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%1$ Comments827

    House rules: if the kings touch you gotta box 3 rounds for the win

    Why is chess so popular now? I love cheese I'm not a great player and I play all the time but still why is it popular all of a sudden?

    This is not a new rule.
    This was the part of old rules of chess which was removed

    We always played it you could take the king with a another king

    No they can't. Your king is in check. The judge is wrong

    I'm just gonna pretend i understand what you said

    I think that's called chess blindness

    How is that a legal move? You can't put your king in check.

    It’s about time this game got an update, these devs are really slacking off these days🤦‍♂️

    Bruh, it should be allowed cuz thats dumb, next move is from the enemy king

    I will checkmate you by becoming a checkmate. My powers are beyond your imagination.

    I guess it would be interesting if you had to eliminate every piece on the opponents team to win rather than checkmate the king

    back in the day u had to capture the king, and it makes sense to end the game on checkmate because its an inevitable capturing of the king

    so yeah the king should be capturable

    Bro who even gets to decide and update the rules to a multi milennial game? Lol

    At my chess club, whenever a King moves into check in blitz, you can take

    Thats how we used to play chess when actually didnt knew how to play chess and that is also quite fun but current way of playing is a lot better

    Capturing a king is about the equivalent to capturing a pawn or hard mode

    There is a condition I recently encountered where I think the rules of game break down. Suppose you move you king on a square that would normally put your king in check by a other king. This would be illegal because you’re moving into check. King would take king. But what is check? Check means you can capture the king. Now consider, the square in front of your opponents king is covered by your bishop or any other piece. You move you king to that square, which puts your king in check by your opponent’s king. But does it? Can your opponent capture your King? I think not because by the rule of the game, taking my king with their king would put their king in check. Why does this not end in a draw or retreat of the opponent king? Can’t a king decide on mutual destruction? I check your king with my king because you can’t take my king because it would put your king in check. I understand, it’s sequential, whichever king does first wins. But in this condition, both kings die.

    That's a cheap way of getting more time to think🙄

    I believe in history a king has battled another king and one has been defeated and killed. Maybe someone that's more versed in history can bring up the specific King to King battles and deaths. If it is so then I think chess should be copying real life.

    Yooooo chess 2 confirmed?!???!!???!!?!!!

    Putting yourself at chess isn’t a new rule at all. He’s just confused about the rules, or tries to win by cheating. Kinda childish imo🗿

    The name of the game is literally translated as "kill the king", so why shouldn't you , you know, kill the freaking king?

    This is known as a illegal move also known as the kings gambit

    Bruh what I thought u can’t do that, isn’t it giving urself checkmate

    The king identified as a queen. Woke chess players.

    Yeah bro wdym
    You think people should be allowed to voluntarily end the game
    You already can, you just get up and stop playing 😂

    For a second. I thought pride concept. was about to be applied in chess. Ouf, It is just kings touching…

    Hikaru was beyond confused in that moment

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