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%1$ Comments827

    Interesting to see someone cover a chess game, that clearly has no clue how chess works.

    You can’t move into check. And you will never be in check at the same time.

    This is the weirdest video I’ve ever seen “across the board”

    People who know when their about to lose be like

    Oh sorry I just created a new rule so that I didn’t die, my falt


    Tf? Obviously kings can kill kings… that's absolute BS isn't chess supposed to simulate war?

    He’s technically getting more time himself too for analysis

    no that defeats the entire fucking point????

    No bc the whole point of chess was to avoid war in the first place. Realistically the kings wouldn’t be able to get each other bc they would be fighting from afar. Or if they were on the frontlines they would do anything to stay safe to increase morale. It makes no sense for the kings to be touching or close enough to touch.

    No idiot the whole point of chess is to- ya know what never mind your feeble brain cannot comprehend

    It makes sense, there’s bloodshed for literally every other piece besides the king

    Check mate is the fact that you cannot prevent your king from being taken. As a result, the ultimate objective is to capture the opposing king. Therefore, white loses with that move as black can capture the king. The fact that this situation happened and the the official said “ok you get extra time now” is baffling to me. It seems like such a basic and logical flow to call black the victor and need the game there.

    Maybe it’s a King that identifies as a Queen

    Do you think vidit did this so if hikaru moved he could call illegal move an win? Like what happened to Magnus once

    I believe the Kings play chess to settle their unruly debate.

    Idk if someone made this comment already though

    You cannot move yourself into check . That's b.s

    Ya itd be so satifying
    You get em in checkmate then they move then you CAPTURE THE KING AND OFF WITH THERE HEAD but it can only happen in checkmate

    ive played a game of chess before when the only left pieces were kings, the game never ended..

    That’s cool. If the kings can touch, then a king can capture a king.

    It’s a pretty dumb move if you ask me.

    But…doesn’t the player now moving get to take the other king and win?!

    It feels so weird. Isn't the entire goal of chess is to take the opposing king? Why shouldn't you be able to do so

    The literal point of chess is yo capture the enemy king, if kings could touch thered be no point

    Yeah. I could took the king whit the horse. But it isn't possible 😒

    yeah. that’s how the game ends. rules changed over time to create “checkmate” and “check” states so that victory would be more decisive

    Stupid chess is perfect this world has little of that dont fuck it up please

    I didn’t hear the first so what I heard was “Apparently kings can touch?” 😭😭😭

    New Chess Rule: if kings touch its basically check, but you can capture the king. When theres no king on the board and you lose if the opponent eats your every piece

    Mughal chess it can happen the og chess is indian chess you can blunder your king

    Checkmate indicates that king move one step he will be killed. So next step would be to just kill him. No more checkmate 😂

    Wait I thought a king could capture another king.
    I am so confused. Can someone explain.

    Me and my classmates used to do this with the kings to avoid draws.😂

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