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%1$ Comments827

    if you could take the king in chess, it wouldn't be chess anymore. just a blitz to take the king

    new rule in chess

    get drunk otherwise its boring

    I like to think of it, as the king bowing down understanding defeat, kneeling down before the other king, as he, executes him publicly in front of the remaining combatants.

    Another American challenging the traditional way, what's new?

    How is this allowed? You’re not allowed to put your king into Check.

    I also wish kings can get rid of anything if they are in checkmate

    I agree that u should be able to capture the king with another kind. They're the exact same piece so they r equal, in this instances it'll either be a stalemate or whomever moves to the end first with their pawn wins, since they r both across from one another only one will pass. If someone purposefully gives up their king then let it be taken back

    Maybe he was just trying to buy himself some time to think

    Finally a new update been waiting for years

    Tbh just make taking the king the end of the game not checkmate

    This is referred to as “Fischer Docking.”

    Oh yeah? What happens if the kings are the only reamining pieces on the board?

    G̤̮li̟c̊̈h̊̈y͆ G͜͡ame͜͡r~ says:

    Hasn't it always been like that? I've been playing for years and it was always like that—

    WTF kings are not supposed to touch themselves

    Finally, new huge update and new meta of chess

    Bruh are you dumb? The king gets captured every game.

    You can’t put yourself in check so this is unallowed, unless a king can’t capture another king

    Chess was made by India so they should decide

    The whole point in chess is to avoid the King from being captured in the next turn… your last sentence doesn’t make any sense; if the king is lost so is the game

    This is how chess used to be but people took out the turn that took the king and essentially changed the aim of the game from capturing your opponent to trapping your opponent to where they can’t escape no matter what move they make. Much more interesting in my opinion.

    and he sacrifices the kinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Literally you can if your opponent don't notice check😅😅😅😅

    If you play chess with checkmate being the only way of winning then the game may just never end

    That's BS king can take any piece of able .these guys high or what?

    I never understood that rule as a kid in chess school

    If someone makes this kind of illegal move you should be allowed to take the king

    I’m pretty sure Hikaru’s opponent did this as a last ditch effort to give himself more time to think. Even though more time was added to Hikaru’s clock, during the time it took the referee to sort of the matter, the opponent was able to use to think.

    oh, the famous king's gambit 😮

    Vidit sacrificed his king for no more checkmate threats 💀💀💀

    Why would it be a legal move? It’s surrendering? You move your king into range of his king. King takes king. It’s not allowed because doing so is essentially conceding with extra steps.

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