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%1$ Comments176

    Some facts u wish u knew earlier
    1. " I" in Levi stands for international noob
    2."G" in Levi stands for grandmaster
    3."M" in Levi Rozman stands for monke

    Question? Whats up with all the hate comments…

    Introducing the only man who could make me interested in a chess game by a 12 yo halfway across the globe. Click bait is yet another Magnus game, this demonstrates how good you are at generating content.

    hey levy I cheat in my chess games should I stop?

    Great video definitely news worthy this doesn’t happen everyday in Chess I just wonder how young kids like this 12 year old are able to get as good as they are at chess it’s monumental

    Hey Levy, can you also try the modern defense in your Otb tournaments?

    İ belive that chess is destroyed back in the day we used the find the moves think but nowadays its almost a memory game they recognize the moves
    – Magnus Carlsen

    imagine losing ur world record for youngest GM because the committee approve once a quarter and you just missed it XD (unrelated to the young man here but still)

    kid out here trolling Ben Finegold and winning.

    Any time you analyze top player games is very nice. That is my favorite type of content. You are a high level imo. So, your OTB games will be super awesome to hear about too.

    When I saw the title I already knew it was Yagiz KAAN

    Bro doesn't need the GM title , he needs better video titles.

    For the future reference the title of this video was "NEW WORLD RECORD with 11 exclaimations"

    Even 13 yrs old kid has completed all the requirements for to be a GM but not levy

    He breaking the world record for the fastest to get milked by levy

    Yeah displate doesnt have Chess wallarts so I wouldnt recommend ????

    *The biggest threat "in" chess. Not "to" chess.

    Alright I’m convinced he’s good enough to take on the goat
    Tyler1 🗣️🗣️🗣️

    Looks like he needs to get into some out door sports! Not point being a 13year old GM and dying of type 2 diabetes.

    This is super boring and very demotivating. When five year olds begin to demolish the 2700+ 12 olds, that's when I will click and watch with a sense of satisfaction by being revenged.

    You know you're goated when you legitimately promote to a knight to win a game

    As an adult viewer of the channel. The thumbnails and titles make me actively avoid your main channel videos. Like my gut reaction is to refresh my homepage to get the thumbnail away from me…

    Soon people will be like "if you are not crossing 2800 at the late age of 12, you are not making it."

    I thought this was going to be about the 70 win streak Hikaru just got in blitz

    I play these brilliant moves on a bullet game, and I am not even 12

    Faustino Oro will hit this rating before turning 11 ;)!!!

    THE GREATEST WOMAN OF ALL TIME. Now this is interesting. How would LR know?

    idk if its kids being good as much as overbearing parents abusing their child's autism

    problems with this child prodigies is most of them become irrelevant once they grow up and cant become super gms, gukesh and pragg are one of the few that did.

    during sponsored segments can you add a timestamp on screen to know where to skip to

    This boy is my best candidate for 3000+rating record….

    I just lost a queen in a game but the other person resigned.

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