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%1$ Comments424

    i had to play antonio for 15 minutes and get a brilliant move to win against him and levy just speedruns it

    To all ppl who dk , Hilary destroyed the advanced bots with 0 losses in 33 minutes . I say it’s a skill issue for Gotham .

    I dont know why but you played so bad this speed run for real Levi :(. Maybe u should rest a little bit

    Bro stop premoving your not on a level to do it like Hikaru

    Wally is my Scottish buddy! Don't beat him, Levy! No!

    He changed the title because of the bots💀

    Clearly Mittens was based on the Julia bot

    Oh no my pawn against a bot 💀😂😂😂😂😂😂 maaaaan ! You are hilarious 😂😂😂😂

    im not in the mood for another terminator bot! jokes ahaa

    How many likes on this comment to do this with master bots?

    Pls do this with master level bots. Actually hilarious

    This dude is pretty good at chess. Maybe he should try streaming on twitch or commentating or something. Bright future ahead for sure though.

    “Even a broken bot is right twice a day” 💀💀

    Where are the global chess league recaps???🥲🥲

    on the first game, i noticed a checkmate that u missed

    Levy: do you want me to make a bot speedrun

    Me: absolutely man! just some relaxed chess, no pressure because they're bots, fun time for everyone

    1 hour later

    Levy: my week is ruined. i lost years of my life. I absolutely hate this. I'm formally protesting

    ahahah this is great content levy! and wtf was up with julia, she wanted the GothamChess number 1 headband aha your jokes bro good Vid!

    i did this once before and watching this video made me feel so much better about myself

    i love how he started the video mocking those poor bots calling him "stupid bots " and then …

    Levy you missed a (fairly) basic tactic 1:24:34 isn't the knight not actually defended and u can sac the queen for a fork

    27:59 "trading queen is not good for a speedrun"
    Proceeds to trade queen

    0:55 doesn't a pawn move win the knight instead of taking with another knight?

    I genuinely thought that this was a livestream that I missed 😂

    He'll get over himself later and rename the video yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ❤

    I am so glad Levi struggled with that 1800 bot cuz Wally does the same crap where he plays like a 2700 for some like 20 moves, and then plays like a 200. I'm glad I wasn't just going insane.

    Julia is the reason Levy quit competitive Chess

    Congrats to levy for only being 2elo less rated then hikaru bot

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