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%1$ Comments424

    Levy just went through the five stages of grief…

    Please do with the master level we love the video and i had a good because of you always looking up to your master level video

    Isn't Wendy supposed to be the 'cheating' bot with exceptional moves every now and then? Hahahah, at least seems like it! It's a good bot.

    D3 is missed winning a piece on move 7 ….in start of the video ….many advance players watch levy so pls play correct move atleast

    Levy : " I'm winning "
    Two minutes later
    " Oh no no no im losing im losing "

    Levy keep saying about the bot resigning, can that actually happen?

    Keep going, this is good content and i recommend you to read description of bots, because there you van recognise their weaknesses

    playing bots is the most boring videos ever

    Can we get more videos that are 1h30 long? This is great.

    After the game against Julia Levy must've felt like Kasparov 1997 xd

    we need the master bot speed run- that's like 3 videos worth of content

    Clicked in and saw it’s a 90 min vid?!

    Ooh we’re in for a doozy – can’t wait grabs popcorn

    At some point you're going to look back on this speedrun, think it wasn't that bad and consider playing against the master bots. Don't do it please! I say this for your own sake

    We're all pros until we face Julia The Destroyer…

    oh no my pon… call an ambulance… but not for me

    Please play the Master level bots bro. Save humanity from these bots!

    I challenge you to defeat coach mae. i bet you cannot defeat her

    Did i mention that Hikaru won these bots queenless

    imagine losing to a bot that has 1000 elo less than you
    edit: twice
    edit after the edit: and a bot that is 800 elo less than you

    36.10 why bot didn't take pawn with bishop

    Stockfish be like: I raised them well😎

    again pretty good video but bruh the thumbnail is so bad

    Can someone explain to me why Levy lost the first game against Julia? I think he still had legal moves so I don't fully understand.

    I play against many bots i win against 1550 and I lose like 4 games against 1250 there is something weird in the way they play

    Bots against Super GM's: Me see pawn, me take pawn
    Bots against the average 1000 elo chess player: yup its mate in 95

    I'm favoured. $230K every 4weeks! My life has totally changed i can now afford anything and also support God's work around me and my society.

    That" no no no no no" title made me remember frank fron punisher

    "I don't know what that was!"
    -Sir, this is Wendy's

    If you want to see levy speedrun every GM bots give a like

    I had similar experience with the advanced bots in terms of how trashy some of those 1800-1900 bots played. E.g. I found that Isabelle (1600) is stronger than most <1900 bots, and I found that Wally (1800) and especially Oscar (2100) are the strongest.

    This title gives me jotaro vibes…

    Wait doesnt that mean this is a jojo refference?

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