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%1$ Comments424

    I love how Levy slowly loses his sanity the longer the video goes on 😂

    This video got a better cut than Levy's hair

    I think the bots at the same level might be slightly better. I felt the same sometimes. Not by much… but a little.

    This is some of your best content. Maybe make the next level into two sittings and two videos… or beat your time. First clear is never a true speedrun, you must first beat your own time!

    Who misses the OG Gotham making 1.5hr videos because this was a treat

    Levy you gotta remember you are playing stockfish, which is playing worse on purpose…sometimes

    People will not think pess of you for losing, don't beat yourself up for that

    Why aren’t you covering global chess league

    Me with popcorn looking for “you’re so rude to the bots Mr Toxoc” comments

    Amazing, you can watch Levy slip into the seventh circle of hell in real time. My experience playing bots has been a lot like this though, one minute you're wondering how you could ever lose to something so stupid and the next you're wondering how such disgusting counterplay is even possible. Losing up a full piece is incredibly tilting, you handled it a lot better than I do.

    1:12:55 he didnt give you the queen on purpose but thats the only move not leading to mate in one.

    We need a masterbost Speedrun, it was so great content and hilarious. I hope you feel better soon.

    Gotham playing Julia is like me playing the green pawn

    You can play the bots in a 1min game and flag them by premoving the hippo opening one move at a time. I beat GM bots and maximum engine with this strat.

    25:08 Levy tried to premove the rook incase the knight was captured… Through a pawn 😂

    I love how did not edit the losses out. You are great and I love your videos. Thanks!

    Do master level bots, we want to see you get obliterated, it makes us feel related, since we get obliterated too

    What happaned to Tech mahindra Chess review ??

    Thank you levy i can literally learn all good openings in this video thanks alot keep it up

    Levy almost cried when he said "y are these bots playing so good defence"
    Don't worry it happens levy

    Julia is such a naughty Dutch girl ^_^
    She punished you for mispronouncing her name…LOL (It's like "Yulia", not like the English Julia 😛 )

    By your experience and knowledge, would you think they play at the strength their respective rating? Or they play lower or higher?

    Bird is new Bot Meta, impossible to beat 🙁

    If you are a legend tell me the original title of the video

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