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%1$ Comments424

    Isabel was the one bot I hate, because she's always winning me, and now, when you defeated her the second time, I feel SOOO F*CKING WELL❤❤❤ THANK YOU LEVY, THANK YOU SO MUCH❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    What if stockfish is programmed to stalemate and levy plays against it to not stalemate. Even if he loses, we count it as a win for humanity

    Levy: Did this guy just get his Knight trapped?! This is an 1800 level bot, what?!
    Also Levy: is a 2800 rated player who got his own knight trapped by a trash 1600 bot

    who watched the whole video in one sitting?

    Bro imagine taking en passent while also taking another piece in the procces

    Levy please make recaps of Global chess league

    can't believe I actually watched an hour and a half chess video the last month me wouldn't believe it

    Bro woke up and said lets get disrespected again

    I Can imagine hell for levy would be playing 1800 rated bots for eternity 💀

    Levy pls play master bots. We want some tips please.

    Bro the Julia bot that levy played WAS NOT Julia like wtf ☠️ I'm 900 rapid and I beat her easily.. that ain't no bot he played that was the devilish reincarnation of mittens dawg

    Can you analize julia's games with an engine? Its probably educational

    When I see the titles it makes me think that levy is losing his mind after every video

    thank you for this video. it made my morning!

    Can we all just appreciate how much Levy sacrificed to make this video.
    He's really a very good chess player, but he probably forgot it after this video.

    8:37 – please, Zwichenzug is pronounced like ts-vish-en-tsoog 🙈

    I love Joel 😀😀 Joel has been trashed me for months now 😀😀

    Levy straight up having an existential crisis after loosing to Julia

    That bot with the exclamation mark really would pisses gotham off if he accidentally stale mate with the queen 😭

    1:03:00 Levy is thinking about secrets and connections of life and chess 😂😂😂

    Wendy was giving me the business for months

    How much do you change the Title?

    Levy: Yes


    Is that title a fucking JoJo reference ??!!?!

    And in the penultimate game, he sacrificed…THE ROOOOOK!

    Kind of painful to see that the same 1800 bots I had so much trouble beating in the past are so trash when Levy plays against them lol

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