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%1$ Comments836

    From sheerly a game standpoint, it is too bad for the mouse slip. But from the tournament standpoint, it happens, get rekt

    i feel sad for magnus losing, altough he still had the chances to flag hikaru

    Yo levy i got beated from a hacker could you check him

    I knew Magnus and Hikaru were playing good Chess bc they were doing all the moves I would've done

    It's like watching Goku and Vegeta fight ❤

    I feel like you don't explain like you used to… For example, wtf is Nd2 at the begining of the first game ??

    "And he wins ….. connect 4 " I was so confused when he said the first part lol

    Why do u first tell me to not look at evaluation and 2 second later u say ‘look at the evaluation’

    Botez Gambit being played at the highest of the levels. You love to see it

    Day 1 of asking Levy to make a vid on the new version of Alphazero

    had to double check i wasn't in 0.75x video speed

    The early people know that the video had a different name

    We need an in depth look at the frank vs orbital games.

    If I was Hikaru, I’d have offered a draw.

    Why the mouse slips happens with magnus only🥲

    Levy : don't look at the view count till like tomorrow, 3 hours in and nearly 120K views

    It's ok Magnus, I blunder plenty of queens without mouse-slipping 😭

    Magnus is enough of a troll to have done it on purpose.

    New fangled contraptions destroying the dignity of the game players larking about and mouse slipping disgraceful wasn’t like this in the old days bring back the board on a stage and Anatoly Karpov moving the pieces in the slots on the spectators board and calm expert commentary not these hyperactive commentators nowadays the aesthetic is all gone chess gone mad

    is it just me or does levy always change his video titles like 2 hours after release? i swear I saw a different title than NOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Hikaru also takes another W against Fabi! 🐐

    Not a hater… but that guy pinned is right😂

    This is a perfect example of why clickers are superior to draggers.

    2 hours in, 120k views… I wish I had those counts🥲

    i love how it says above him that it went to Armageddon

    You can't trust the eval bar. Proceeds to talk about the eval bar the whole video.

    people who complain about mouse slips are so lame they’re acting like blunders due to time scrambles over the board don’t happen

    The view count’s only 116k but I assume others might correct me…

    Great video, but what a disappointing ending!

    That was draw anyway and hikaru should win in this position.


    upset? how is this less awkward than moving physical pieces in a fraction of a second LMAO

    22:50 Bro this is why online chess is so entertaining, wtf are these people talking about

    I mean 114k views in 2 hours is pretty good

    5:57 – Hikaru and Levy made the same joke in their videos, Levy is gonna have to compete with Hikaru on the funny department too

    Mouseslips are tragic but if you've seen how people scramble low on time knocking over pieces or make illegal moves then I'd take a rare mouseslip any day

    He is the only person who can get me to watch a 20 minute video!

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