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%1$ Comments836

    bro i swear this video was called "hikaru makes magnus rage" now its just "NOOOOOOOO"

    Bro def chugged 3 bottles of vodka before the commentary

    6:04, this was actually a connect 4 tournament, so Hikaru won right there

    Magnus was honestly no match for Hikaru yesterday

    The Hikaru wins connect 4 line had me dying for a straight 5 minutes

    After d3 by white there is a sneaky queen trap after dxe4, Ng5, Exd3, Bxd3, Nf6, Nxf7, Kxf7, Bg6+ winning the queen


    OTB time scrambles in Armageddon are unwatchable trash. I’d much rather have the occasional mouse slip online than that.

    But, people who haven't clicked on this video won't even know it's hikaru and Magnus playing.

    Magnus: “I am inevitable”
    Mouse slip: insert Guy smiling in different suits meme

    I see the pin of shame but when i think about it just to be safe, I hope Levy is all good and healthy, maybe he is sick or my ears are hearing weird. Take care levy!

    Magnus not “lose”, i dont take this like a win, also if a mistake cost the game

    Today's stare was compelling indeed, though perhaps a little too ambiguous. 8.5/10

    I think Magnus created manufactured drama by intentionally blundering his queen. He saw that game was a draw and he missed his chances and didn't want to go out like that so he created the drama by mishandling the mouse. I base my opinion on his subsequent reactions which was too emotional.

    I don't know if Levy watched Hikaru's recap of this game but Hikaru made the exact same connect 4 joke.

    oooh I though both of them gets the time they bet.
    Also no way that end

    I know I will be sued by all but these vids r getting kinda boring 4 me.

    I'm a Quadriplegic and that is a common occurrence for me. Then again my rating Hoover's around 650.

    Someone make an edit of angry Magnus and "you have to know this" song! 😂

    Magnus, Hikaru and Loser in the same sentence
    i guess you live long enough you do hear everything in life

    6:44 Dude, Hikaru just wanted to create momentum and then take the knight!

    you forget yourself on the top 2 popular indevindulas

    What a game. The mouse slip doesn’t take anything away from Magnus. It only makes their future games even more exciting. The WCC looks boring and outdated in comparison to online competitions like these.

    104k views…… sooo low (2 hours)

    Edit: guys, this is a JOKE

    the title changed the title was hikaru made magnus rage

    In the great words of Deff Leppard: ARGMAGGEDON IT!

    The thumbnail is magnus' face after he realised Levi used him for thumbnail again

    Poor Hikaru won by a slip of a mouse instead of skill. Talk about a ball buster.

    Mouse slips don't bother me in online chess. I get some people don't enjoy when you're playing without bonus and the end of the game just becomes speed flagging, but even that I find entertaining.

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