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%1$ Comments836

    Ok winning by mouseslip or not.. we gotta acknowledge the pure resilience of Hikaru, defending against the greatest players of the world with just half the time. Truly impressive stuff

    HE SACRIFICES HIS CAREER !!! feels bad man for magnus

    how can i send you a game. i got a funny one. and if i can send it to you can you make a video or short about it?

    I feel like obvious mouse slips should be grounds for some kind of redo. I know it'd be impossible to judge something like that on a large scale, but it's so obvious that Magnus didn't mean to do that. Obviously it can be said that you should "just not mouse-slip" but when you only have 30 seconds to win the game or be eliminated your adrenaline is going to run high. I'm not a Magnus simp, and i'm happy for Hikaru, but this win doesn't feel earned.

    "This kills the integrity of the game!!!!!!"
    cough touch move cough

    Ik it's a serious chess tournament, and I'm not Hikaru, but I would've moved the king away because I felt bad

    The game would have likely never gotten to this point with over-the-board chess because the "wasted" time it takes to hit the clock. Also, it's not like these flubs only happen online. How often in a mad rush have you seen pieces get knocked over? Then you've got to stop the clocks, killing the flow, figure out where to reset times…

    I mean, I get it. I prefer the board in most cases too, but realistically, they both have their pros and cons.

    Whenever I watch one of levy’s videos it always makes me feel confident and I hop into some rapid feeling amazing and then proceed to tank 50 elo

    Mouse slips are the worst .. I feel for the guy

    Every living organism will make errors including Magnus carlsen.

    That's what makes every organism the same.

    Gotham, you do breakdowns of pro-level chess games. I would like to see a series where you do that with 1400-1800 level games. Instead of "guess the elo," it's "explain why the elo." I've always treasured instructive videos.

    Yeah, I put this comment in another video, but I think too much time went by for it to gain any traction. And this already got views, so…

    Gotham, I was able make a brilliant move, how can I send the game to you? I want to send it because I didn’t understand why it was brilliant. I would be very happy if you reacted to it in camera 😉

    “Dont trust the computer it doesnt know”
    If i see it telling me to play nbd2 im playing it

    I believe there should be a mechanism for a mouse slip, where the play is undone, but the opponent get time added to their clock like making an illegal move in real life game. You only get one in a official tournament.

    3:18 he actually told us to look at the eval bar after telling us not to look at the eval bar.

    I just wonder if Hikaru had mouse slipped and lost would the haters keep the same energy

    Did anyone notice "and it was brutal!" with a slight smile on his face. 😂

    I see others review, Levy explain more entertaining

    Can't physical slips/ knocking over the clock or something similar happen in over the board chess too?

    I hope you see a commentaries ; and you will comment the game of year 1948 ))))) Boris Siff vs Isaac Kashdan
    [Event "New York"]

    [Site "New York"]

    [Date "1948.??.??"]

    [EventDate "?"]

    [Round "5"]

    [Result "0-1"]

    [White "Boris Siff"]

    [Black "Isaac Kashdan"]

    [ECO "E36"]

    [WhiteElo "?"]

    [BlackElo "?"]

    [PlyCount "66"]

    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 d5 5. a3 Be7 6. cxd5 exd5

    7. Bf4 c6 8. h3 O-O 9. e3 Re8 10. Bd3 Nbd7 11. Nf3 Nf8 12. Ne5

    Bd6 13. O-O Ne6 14. Bh2 g6 15. Nf3 Ng7 16. Bxd6 Qxd6 17. Rfc1

    Bf5 18. Nd2 Re7 19. b4 Rae8 20. Rab1 Bxh3 21. gxh3 Rxe3

    22. Bf1 Nf5 23. fxe3 Qg3+ 24. Bg2 Qxe3+ 25. Kh1 Ng3+ 26. Kh2

    Qf4 27. Nf3 Re2 28. Nxe2 Nxe2+ 29. Kh1 Nh5 30. Qd2 Nhg3+

    31. Kh2 Nf1+ 32. Kh1 Qh2+ 33. Nxh2 Nfg3# 0-1

    21:49 — 🎶 There goes my hero. Watch him as he goes. 🎶 😂

    Levy collabing with hikaru and being good friends with him.
    «Hikaru beats Magnus to get to the final which he wins»
    Levy: Nooooooooo

    I wish there was a way to eliminate mouse slips with software

    My heart sank while watching that mouse slip… Hikaru did great but Magnus' reaction was everything. He needed that win 😔

    If games can be decided by mouse slip, it's an esport

    hikaru broke these games down as well its interesting to hear his viewpoint

    I watched these games live…but your commentary is so much more fun…(sleeping with the windows open and misquitoes flying around)….lol

    would you say evaluating other peoples games and trying to predict their moves will improve your chess skill?

    Complaining about mouse slips is like complaining about getting flagged. Git gud, OTB integrity isn't real, just watch any of the thousands of time scramble blitz games where GM pieces are flying across the room. Mouse slips are a part of online chess, just like knocking over a piece is part of OTB chess, they're each their own thing.

    Gotham's stare was absolutely seducing this time. This is getting way too close to becoming an alternative to onlyfans, I had to click away.
    (that was sarcasm. Great vid, thanks for providing amazing chess content again, sir!)

    Would love to see more videos of you analysing top level games like this

    I watch your videos while i poop!👍🏻❤️

    I told you in the previous video in the comments that this dude is going to review Magnaka

    “Five is five. You’re welcome.”

    -Levy 2023

    Online chess has misclicks, but over the board chess has kings touching and knocking over pieces

    Why does it feel like chess is a aim game if you play it fast

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