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#annacramling #chess #streaming

%1$ Comments41

    Kid: that was my best game in ten years.

    terrible of you to fire the editor that reported the cheating incident.

    ❤ You are a capable player. You will do well again. 💪Just be careful you don't dwell on things else your time evaporates and then you make mistakes in haste or lose to the clock. You'll do best with your style of play when you consistently have a moderate amount of time. I don't think practicing blitz will help rather you need to develop a sense of when you have spent enough time considering things. Perhaps a few games against your mom while your dad observes and keeps time so he can suggest to both of you – since Pia 🌹also thinks too long – that by about 'now' you should have decided. Keep up the good effort and thanks for being a good ambassador for chess.🙂

    Chess kids are amazing! Imagine most 10 year olds concentrating and behaving for 3 hours!

    Siempre apoyándote, te deseo éxito en tu siguiente ronda. Te mando mis mejores vibras, hermosa. 🌼

    I dont understand why Anna constantly gets herself in time trouble? Why does she want that kind of pressure?

    On another note it would be cool to see you and Anna go over her game here with us.

    I need to remember to avoid the comments when I miss the live: too many spoilers!!

    Shouldn’t waste 5 minutes and then do the obvious castle

    Awesome Commentary from Pia! It would be interesting to have your Dad do commentary on your games in Spanish as well.

    Almost 10 years old and more mature and thoughtful than most adult males?

    Lets go Anna win the next one! Supporttrain going

    Dam i wish someone would tell me a letter and a number and i would think over the whole game and immediatly tricke down what would have happened. But i am an amateuer for now

    I need to be solid like my mother 😀 nice that you view her as a idol – she does great commentary

    That was a very exciting game that ended in a draw. Your young opponent is a very strong player. The poor little guy was too small to see the entire board so had to stand up a few times to look ! You both made some really good moves. Your time management was great 🙂as you didn't get in any real time trouble. Good luck in the next round!

    Wow great game… People in the chat are not in your game… A draw is better than a loss….. ❤❤ But is it a loss is a learn ❤❤ or am I wrong lol

    She wanted a lower rated player, she got one. And he’s only been on the planet 9 or 10 years. And she couldn’t beat him.
    She’s gets too afraid playing tournament chess. Too scared to make a move.

    Gotta quit losing to all these lower ranked opponents!!!

    I do hope that the amount of cheerfulness one can experience & exhibit in a lifetime isn't limited or Anna may run out, soon.

    Great commentary – this competition makes my week

    if you have good eyes you can also see Levy's game 😀

    You too can be a GM, you just need to time manage better and study. I have faith ❤

    Why is that a perpetual check? Why cant they move other pieces? Perhaps white king escaping to H3? Thanks for explaining

    Yeah, the kid was really good. Played like a chess AI, lol 🙂 Like, a lot of his moves where on par with what Pia predicted. It's nice to see that Anna drawed and didn't lose. I don't think she would feel so good if she would have lost. If I am up at the time, I probably will check out tomorrows.

    It's nice seeing how high elos think, and how Pia explains her thought processes. Some people find her a little too chatty, but I like it; I just wish I could see the original board and the hypotheticals. I could never be a high elo chess player, because my memory isn't that great. I can't just visualize 10 hypotheticals, all the chaining moves 4+ ahead. I guess you need a good memory to be a good chess player.

    I think if Anna wouldn't have drawed, time would have become a problem again, but it did result in a draw, so that's nice. I think if you can estimate how many moves the game might last, then you could be like, I have x amount of minutes on average a move, especially if the other player is like 10 to 15+ minutes ahead. It was fun watching.

    I think the mic needs to be repositioned a little, IMO. Kinda low to hear at times. I have to turn my Bluetooth to like 70, lol. Normally it's good at 40.

    Anna looks like she is getting tips from the kid at the end. Groundhog day on the time. For some reason, she thought her time management was better. It's better than losing based on time but not well managed.

    I wonder what Anna is thinking about for such long periods. After eventually moving, her opponent moves quickly, which then requires her to ponder some more. Isn't she considering multiple moves ahead? Her opponent only has limited moves based on what Pia is visualising in her commentary.

    I love Pia 'this is very far away' when you extrapolate so far ahead

    Well done to both of you🙂When I was ten I was running in snow and ice skating.

    Great game Anna and Ivan. I would love it for Spanish people if Juan commentated your matches the way we English speakers get incredible commentary from Pia. Thank you for all your efforts.

    You need to explain why your editor no longer works for you and what happened with him and the other streamer in open who had his opponent lose their match because the streamer had the laptop with eval open inside the playing hall.

    She''s happy with a draw against a lower rated player playing the white pieces ??? Always she's getting in timetrouble and makes mistakes.

    Congratulations I am so proud of you!!! and Thank you Pia so much your narration was fantastic and so much fun.

    Please, desactivate the chat in the video. They are stupid and disrespectful af. I can't watch all the video because I become mad by reading that crap. I'm suppose to relax and have fun watching chess, but I just want to kill myself because of that.

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