Playing chess hustlers be like…

#chess #shorts

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    When he start saying
    "Listen now
    ill hip you hip you now
    When i whistle"

    Looking at the board. It is a 'legal' trap.

    Bxf7 is mate. This is a common trap and not hard if you're 1500 plus.

    The funny part about this position is that it's mate in the next move



    Is it mate in one after the bishop takes the pawn

    "If you lose your queen that means you blundered."
    "If Eric loses his queen you will lose."
    – Magnus Carlsen

    He is going to checkmate him in next move of Bishop

    And after bishop takes queen you go bishop e7 checkmate

    i saw the position there is checkmate in 1

    Its checkmate for white in next 2 moves.

    I instantly knew the position, classic “Oh no my queen” and “call an ambulance, but not for me” moment

    “ If Eric Rosen has offered you his queen, you have lost the game”

    And the bishop-knight duo took it personal🔥💪🏻🗿

    I see a checkmate coming 😮
    Be7 is a mate 😂

    its so hilarious when someone falls for the legal

    “Oh no my queen” Checkmate in 10 moves

    These videos got me back into chess, i used to play 3 years ago but stopped.

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