In that position he just moves up the bishop to the king and protected by the knight "checkmate" Reply
Re1 is forced stalemate because of check room blocks rook takes and king is forced to take so its stalemate Reply
This dude casually dropping the hardest chess videos ever made and thought we wouldn't notice 🥶 Reply
Who is the actual creator of the video does anyone know?
white bishop goong for m1 if black takes queen
Dam, a beautiful sr. legal's mate
Mat legelya
Bro has the Crusty cheeky FRIED LIVER coming for him
mate in one
"Oh no my queen"
There was mate in one
legal checkmate
In that position he just moves up the bishop to the king and protected by the knight "checkmate"
Why did I think that was Anish Giri 😭😭😭
That bishop on c4💀
Did he Just used his both hands
One move check mate on that board
Bro thought he is eric
Look at board it's perfect
Bf7 and Nd5 : 🗿🗿
Mate in one : bishop takes bishops pawn
Why the English suck at chess
Because they no have a queen
I saw the cheeky checkmate on the board that's incredible
I know that gambit ayoo
Legal checkmate
Re1 is forced stalemate because of check room blocks rook takes and king is forced to take so its stalemate
Next Move Mate Bxf7
I c mate
It was actually M1 after he "blundered" the queen
If you lose a queen don’t worry
-Sun Tzu
It's mate in 2, common trap you can use on beginners
And he sacrifice the QUEEEENN
Isnt that mate?
"If you lose the queen, it's your mistake.
If a GM looses the queen, it's also your mistake"
When he was taking the queen u can see a mate in 1 bishop to supported by knight
Eric Rosen with the legal mate is smiling from the corner
Call an ambulance… But not for me!
haha you blundered your Queen! the knight:👁️👄👁️
This dude casually dropping the hardest chess videos ever made and thought we wouldn't notice 🥶
dude, its check mate after bishop takes queen beacouse bishop x f5 checkmate
It's a mate in one
Gothemchess be like and he sacrifice the queñnnnn
Mr bean boutta pull that uno reverse
How feel him Legal
Mr Bean lookin ass
Me who noticed M2 😏
Its mate
Bro thinks a Hustler will fall for the legal trap 😭😭😭
Oh no my queen