proceeds to lose the game while thinking you were gonna win when you actually messed up all the previous steps and you realize life is a simulation and that there is no end for living in simulations bc when you die you will be reborn in other simulations and after you die you will go on another and you will go on like that for eternity oh dam
Edit: if you pause before the image goes to rosen you can see that the knight can fork the queen and rook and it cannot be captured because there is a bishop
"Oh no, my Queen"
There is mat in one if you take the pawn.
nice try, I know it is a venus fly trap
Wooowwww!sure its so hard to smile in a pozition
I think, or is there a legal checkmate in this position?
There's already a checkmate
Bro got the Sea Cadet Mate going on, bishop takes pawn on f7 and then after king e7 its knight to d6.
it's two knight defense
Looks like yong Anish Giri?
“You have to know this. Here’s the moves it starts with. They don’t know they just see this.”
The fact that I know this is a Blackburn gambit it pissed me off
Who's the creator of these vids?
proceeds to lose the game while thinking you were gonna win when you actually messed up all the previous steps and you realize life is a simulation and that there is no end for living in simulations bc when you die you will be reborn in other simulations and after you die you will go on another and you will go on like that for eternity oh dam
Call the ambulance
And he sacrifices THE QUEEN!!!
Bruh after the queen sacrifice it is one move mate😂
Ohhhhhhh he screwed 😂
“oh no, my queen!”
"Oh no, my QUEEN
Bishop f7
Do one with Magnus Carlsen
Matt in 2
For anyone who doesnt know, its mate in one when the queen is taken if it was not taken then bishop is lost
Plot twist: chess hustler blunders mate in one
Edit: if you pause before the image goes to rosen you can see that the knight can fork the queen and rook and it cannot be captured because there is a bishop
in the position it's mate for him
I wanna know how they reached that position where white's e pawn and black's d pawn are just gone with no pieces in the middle
Oh no, my queen!
Actually that was the Legals trap
If he takes the queen its mate look at the board
"Oh shoot I blundered the queen!"
"Or did I?" 😂
I don’t understand someone please explain
Bishop f7 checkmate
"FaNg 1V3" shut up, thats not ever a 1v3 💀
Botez Gambit?!
I call this the Rosen gambit
oh no my queen
legal mate
Oh no cringe AAAAAA😭😭😭
Bishop to b2 checkmate
after i analyzed the board i saw mate in 1 and then i got the joke
Black resign bishop takes f7 king e7 knight d5 mate
Chess hustlers really be playing the Scandi like it's a legitimate opening and losing in 7 moves to an "Oh no my queen!?"
Have his autograph💪
There is checkmate in 1
You are the one whos cocky
I would understood carlsen or fischer but yourself ?
In that chess game it is a trap the trap if meant for him to lose his queen and checkmate the opponent with the bishop and two horsey