Playing Magnus Carlsen until I cry.

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%1$ Comments276

    Bro how many times you gonna change the title on us Levy?

    Alireza is crying that you are not covering him, favoring Magni all the time

    levi is just gonna become a billionaire from these bots I swear

    Naaah….. Don't change the title that quickly

    The Magnus bot really does sound like they got lines from a Magnus who doesn't really want to give them lines lol

    How do you know what magnus's tinder profile says? 🤔

    How about The Magni vs Mittens? Would be an interesting matchup

    Levy loves feeling worldly by calling soccer "football"

    The "Levy nevers fails to spread my cheeks" comments never fail to Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

    Levy never fails to beat his head against the wall until the wall falls over.

    I love how the introduction video to this bot is longer than this one

    I mean, as the saying goes, "if you can't join them, spend half an hour trying to beat them" 😂

    Thought I would never be able to click off this video

    why does the magnus bot passive aggressively trash talk so much, its like its talking down to u 😂😂

    Great video. Keep the entertaining and educational content coming.

    Lets say i wass rated 200, how much rating would i get if i were you beat you at chess? And how much would i lose.

    It's so humorous to see him freaking out but then I'm freaking out with him when something big happens.
    Keep playing for the entirety of Jan iguess:]

    I’m begging for sleepy Magnus vs Martin levy!

    b6 Rd6 Rd8 looked like presh last game

    play against magni chess bot

    Carlson not playing openings, is the most Magnus thing that he does in chess

    Magnus is on Tinder, Is that a Joke, cos hes looking for mates?

    Ahh man. A blunder with the Qe1 check I thought you were definitely going Kg3 out with all that right side protection to recover. Qg2 Kh4 super safe but at that point I guess it's like, damn.

    It would be fascinating for Naroditsky or some other strong GM to do a reaction video or commentary video on this video.. Talking through their own evaluation and thoughts as the game develops. "Is it time to close the queenside?" Gotham asks. Gosh now I'm curious! Was it time to close the queenside? Was maneuvering the knight a good move? What ideas to punish white for the very passive play with knight and king. I love watching Gotham play and hearing his thought process, and Gotham is much better at chess then I will ever be, and I'd love to hear some GM giving their thoughts to these questions and ideas that Gotham is verbalizing so fluidly as he plays.

    @29:14 Push the f5 bh6 qg7 looks decent enough. Assuming same pattern recognition when you moved it up after and he takes instead of kh8. An opportunity at least. Could escape that by moving a pre-emptive bf6, then you trade. Pushing g6 to block you. Push e6 and re6 if take to set up mate at g6. That was actually a pretty incredible position. Maybe I'm missing some counterplay but seemed pretty strong

    When will the Magnus bot interview drop?

    I think you were on to something when you said maybe you should just play faster… it seemed like you were “seeing ghosts” as they say and weren’t playing confidently for most of the games.

    18:16 "Chess is Hard! why does anybody play this game" – Levy

    I thought you would try to cheese Magni…. but you are just playing Magnus…. disappointing

    yo what if you put magni vrs torch or stockfish that would be sick

    I learned the Portuguese gambit thanks to you, so it seems crazy you dont know that g4 line which is the preferred by the engine

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