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%1$ Comments74

    Yeah NOBODY clicked on this video to see updates on women’s chess… there’s no reason women should be separate from men in chess, you don’t need muscle mass or bone density to move chess pieces…

    its the "laggan" reverse bro indians wokeup and concured

    Qd7 the losing move, because he was forced to play e5 later anyways. Pragg likely future WC.

    plot twist: Magnus resignes the next game against Pragg after one move

    Pia realized it 5 seconds after she played the move! Was devastated.

    just wait for it he'll accuse of him of cheating too, no need for proof

    I don’t get how yall act surprised when magnus lose lol I watch all those guys play and they are great capable enough to beat magnus

    you got a like out of me at "iqt". Well played.

    you should make a vod channel. i would love to be able to go back and watch the streams since im normally working whenever you stream

    Levy, it would be worth considering adding timestamps to your videos.

    Every player has there time of glory but as time goes by someone new challenger challenge the champion and take the crown.

    the queen pawn was shoved inside hikaru's 🍑

    Fun fact: Pragg becomes the youngest person to have ever beaten Magnus, aged 18. The previous person was Hans Niemann at age 19.

    Very proud of Prag. Young man with a bright future..

    another gorgeous win from fabiano rameshbabu

    I have a completely unfounded theory that Magnus is going to enjoy chess a lot more if he starts losing more

    Bro I’m telling gukesh and din should not be world champ. Nor should they even be playing in that final. If anything fabi , hikaru, and nepo should be in the final. And pragg is a way better player then gukesh, at least in more formats then gukesh.

    The only thing thats sad is about ding, I still remember his games against nepo such a class. I hope he gets his form back

    Prag beats Magus – Panik
    not in chess – Calm
    "NOT IN CHESS" – Panik

    MAGNUS never go fast with pouns aspecial when he play with strong oponente allways want to open other players and i salute him

    We All Know Magnus is Not taking it seriously like every tournament… He plays like BoT but ramps up in the mid section of the overall tournament.

    He is so good… He just plays half asleep just to have some challenge near the EnD with points

    Stop spoiling the damn games you Brillo headed fk…


    (Please dont do that until like after a week…. I haven't got the chance to watch the stream back yet.)

    I will gain 1 elo for every like on this comment!

    23:16 The game you wanted to see, thank me later
    For a sec, I was so happy he covered the game in detail for the entire 30 minutes, but nah. I would love a detailed analysis tho. Oh wait, agadmator exists

    Gotham used to discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine openly, why is he silent on the genocide in Gaza by Israel? Like this comment so he can see it please.

    Let's go FABI! Catch Magnus. Magnus might retire soon before that happens

    Magnus playing typical anime protagonist. Needs a loss to fire up that Super Saiyan.

    martin is the only bot where you can blunder 5 pieces and still win. btw that game was were I got my first brilliant

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