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%1$ Comments74

    If ding liren has no hater, im dead

    Fabiano Rameshbabu did insane that game.

    pint of exclusivity from gotham

    I love how John Cena and drax the destroyer quietly stand behind levy just watching levy cracking jokes about how cute gotham chess is

    Did Fabi show us something about this tournament……ppl play theory just to reach the armageddon……..

    Ya'll really being petty about a Youtube Title 😂😂😂 IQ sacrifices these people are putting on display is idiotic genius!!! #BrilliantMove

    From now on, Levy will milk Pragg in his every video.

    Why do people care about the women's division? We want to watch chess at the top level. I would be interested if only men were allowed in the open, but it just seems absurd to want to watch a division for people who don't want to compete against the best. These chicks would trounce me in a game, no doubt in my mind, but that's completely beside the point.

    [Event "AI Factory's Chess"]

    [Site "Android Device"]

    [Date "2024.05.30"]

    [Round "1"]

    [White "You"]

    [Black "Cpu (12)"]

    [PlyCount "33"]

    [Result "1-0"]

    1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 d5 3. Bxf6 exf6 4. Nf3 Bd6 5. e3 O-O

    6. Bd3 c5 7. h4 c4 8. Bxh7+ Kxh7 9. Ng5+ fxg5 10. Qh5+ Kg8

    11. hxg5 Bh3 12. Rxh3 f6 13. g6 Qa5+ 14. c3 Qxc3+ 15. Nxc3 f5

    16. Qh8+ 1-0

    You said “Jew in June”… but i think you mean “Jew In May”.

    So bad commentary. Please learn from Agad

    Love your vids tysm fro making them ❤

    Love your vids tysm fro making them ❤

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