Prepare to Scream At Your Screen

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%1$ Comments81

    Followed you for a while, and even though your gameanalyze is great, these video is the best. Love to watch them, and wish there was more 🙂

    Im beginning to love your solo games even more than your main content!!

    I’m still screaming at my screen. Please make me stop

    Great game, i did scream a lot at my screen but only for wrong reasons lol

    If I could solve 50 chess puzzles before breakfast I wouldn't need coffee to wake up.

    Loving these rapid videos you're doing recently

    @13:43 you missed Qxe5 followed by Re5 Nf6 Kh8 Nxd7, and if Bxd3 Nxe5 winning, Edit. Now that I watched the rest of the video I see you covered that. 🙂

    Are you going to cut a pic of your mother into the vid or why should we prepare to scream

    î spotted it, it was painfull to watch. best content antonio!

    I was screaming the whole time why you weren't developing the dark square bishop. But it's true you are a victim to your own playing style, though that's not a bad thing because you complicate positions for your opponent, bypass good moves looking for better ones, and are always searching for zugzwangs. I think if you try to manifest a little Magnus in your games and seek out simple winning ideas without overcomplicating you can improve your playing style.

    Love these videos, I find it impressive how sharp your play is!

    i am proud to actually have screamed on the missed fork

    Despite the title, I watched this with breakfast. I was not prepared with a mouth-full of eggs

    Very informative. I also missed Queen sacrifice

    We love to see you play chess! Keep them coming!

    Glad i am not the only one that misses the fork while in the middle of the game 😅

    why the very last bishop move is double question mark ? I though it is the only one, as you need to protect both c1 and e1. Only forced mate could be better, were is it ?

    Nice game. Unfortunate miss but I'm learning from hearing you talk about the moves

    In the final analysis, Agad, a win is a win is a win. 🙂

    Black misplayed opening a bit. They should attack knight on e4 by moving pawn to f5. This would allow black to capture d6 pawn and equalize easily with a lot of chances to gain initiative. Bishop to f5 was too passive, although it develops a piece, but it gives white time to consolidate and keep material advantage.

    The video title had me thinking you missed getting back-rank checkmated😮‍💨😮‍💨

    I would recommend 10 + 5 instead of 10 + 0.

    Good game kind of like a wide open game a lot of minor pieces battling in mid board you did great getting the attack going on the g and h file his king nowhere to hide Thanks Agadmator Enjoy your Day

    Wow, really frustrating missing that fork!

    On move 17 rook takes f5 is the best move. You get a bishop and knight for the rook.

    I screamed so loud, I'm now typing while running from my mom.

    Another game, we are lucky!!! thanks!!!

    Yup, I did indeed (S)cream at my screen after seeing the game.

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