Prepare to Scream At Your Screen

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%1$ Comments81

    Hope you're able to get down to Zagreb and report from there.

    ΞΏf course someone misses a lot an a just 10min game

    Yep! A lot of arm chair captain orders when we aren't over the board & under the clock!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    can we all take a moment and appreciate how cool 26.Bd3 is or would have been

    No screaming in the library!

    Sorry about that.

    I find that I often find "the best move" in situations where you missed one, but only because of your explanations of what you're looking at;
    we – the viewers – have the "holistic view" advantage available when watching, and combined with your narration often puts us in a more objective seat as I'm sure you know.

    Anyway, suffice to say; whenever I have a situation where I could perhaps scream a move at the screen, it's still generally your fault that I saw the move, and less to do with my own discipline. In allowing your explanation of the position so far, to direct where my eyes should be looking.

    I often think when playing my own games, that I wish I have had your voice explaining/measuring the moves I'd made to that point, as I'd then definitely * know my best move πŸ™‚


    An Indian player that resigns in a losing position? WOW. Good game anyways.

    My man does not bleed. You played well. GG. ❀

    These are the best types of videos Agad! Please keep them coming

    3:40 Pd6 was an inaccuracy as we ve seen in the analysis, I was surprised Agad played it…its hard to defend the pawn in the future and our knight on E4 is also hanging. Plus this pawn is important because its a center pawn and not a side pawn

    I thought qb4 check was a missed move,am I right???

    I screamed so hard my screen shattered πŸ˜‚

    I'm v upset he wasn't wearing that funky shirt on the thumb

    Oh, you missed a crusher: instead of Q-h4, QXB(e5)!!, RXQ, Nf6+ followed by NXQ.

    You had me preparing for a loss. I can't scream at a win unless I was rooting for the opposition, in other words, totally daft.

    On 11:06 why not Bh6? If he captures with his bishop you royal fork and get queen for two minor pieces,if not you just build pressure there,no?

    Does anybody know what is agadmators otb rating or strength? Is he a cm? Just curious

    Are you totally mad? No more scream any more!

    Petition for Agadmator to become GM ❀

    I was watching live….you made lot of blunders

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