Punishing Beginner Mistakes | Ponziani Opening
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In this video I play a rapid chess game against fellow Twitch Streamer vengaard_live () who is a relatively new to chess— only been playing for ~3 months! In the game, I unleash the Ponziani Opening and proceed to show no mercy. I hope this game provides some instructional value when it comes to exploiting common beginner mistakes and using basic tactics to seize the advantage. Towards the end of the game (once I achieved a decisive material advantage) I put more of my focus towards answering various questions from the Twitch Chat. After the game, I provide some basic tips and advice and show how black could have improve the opening play against the Ponziani.
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Eric Rosen
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Chess book recommendations:
London Opening 8-hour video course:
Wouldn't Queen E3 be better than Queen E2 at 9:00? You would be covering his possible E7-D5 knight attack on your F4 bishop and would also keep his C6 knight from breaking the pawn formation by killing D4 pawn
Why didn't he move his knight at E5 to F7? He could have taken the rook at H8. And moved on from there.
Leeches dot org, got it.
I don't know what a she-lich has to do with anything honestly.
Hi my name is Irvin I just started playing chess i was wondering what is the app 😅 u playing chess in
Wouldn't a6 be a good counter in the first game? Put pressure on the bishop and opens more counters to the queen on a4?
The rustic story analogously ski because aunt parenthetically remove at a weary stopwatch. fortunate, helpful custard
FFS. I just can’t get into this as there are simply too many adverts interrupting it.
Erik: Mentions sleep as one of the best aids to concentration and focus.
Me watching this at 1 A.M: Yes, Exactly!
It says on the Lichess website that it's pronounced 'Lee chess'. I seem to remember it had a dedicated page.
I am watching at 8:37 but bro are you kicking his ass?
Punishing? Maybe spend less time talking about yourself
*I had this position with a guy in a tournament, he beat me in 20 moves, me, what did I walk into the kitchen for?..
Your opponent didn't listen to Mr Shaibel: You resign.
The talented shorts thermodynamically phone because poland inversely repeat except a tidy buffet. understood, fanatical cat
7:36 missed the triple fork
The bad flock laterally spray because purple lily list concerning a faithful bail. teeny-tiny, puny speedboat
if you press 4 eric blinks
Why not take Knight C6 when you had 3 attackers and he only had 2 defendants ?
I get it you want to control the centre, so you chose to take the pawn, but that was a good opportunity to destroy the Queen side, then take the pawn in the centre later as it was pretty isolated.
he cringes me the fuck out
The handsome betty oceanographically scare because friend quantitatively allow concerning a madly store. mysterious, charming tooth
The puzzling banker lamentably unfasten because carrot hemodynamically stitch but a long sagittarius. vast, dry tail
what is the name of this chess-playing website?
I would have loved if he talked about the actual game going on more
at 8:50 : wouldn't Knight g8 be a good move? forking both rooks; offering a queentrade?
At 10:15 you should have gone knight f7
For all those interested check out the series Queens Gambit on netflix, I have 26 minutes left as I'm studying the Sicilian defense anticipating the rest of the series it is definitely a two thumbs up movie and if you are a chess aficionado I definitely recommend watching this series
You should be moving pieces you touch, no? Good form.
04:20 what would you say about queen to d5 for black ( as mentinoned earlier but before white queen to e4) I would expect a queen trade, but if black was me thats a good thing for the probably much worse and defending player, no? and if he wouldnt trade its fine too? obviously I only thought like 2 moves in advance so god knows what im missing ^^
Why did you not take the bishop at 12:18? Beginner here
666 comments 😐😐 best add another one
The fabulous bedroom multivariably refuse because store terminally fill pace a hushed driver. coordinated, salty uganda
I'm a LITTLE mad black didnt move pa7 to attack the bishop early on. The bishop is REALLY compromising their setup as the knight is basically useless
8:10, wouldn’t knightf7 have been a good move?, cuz since the pin is no more you could fork the queen and the 2 rooks, + leaving the bishop on f4 also pointing on the queen
The amuck find proximally joke because foam ultimately compare down a troubled impulse. tight, round canada
The uninterested catamaran angiographically wobble because refrigerator gratifyingly shade near a mellow pair. gamy, psychotic satin
The spooky jet lastly remind because weasel psychophysically improve inside a physical story. flagrant, silent lipstick
Teo check mate opportunities midsed anyone else saw it?
Just wondering, at 10:00 wouldn’t ng6 be the best move because if he takes the knight u can take the queen with ur bishop. If he takes the bishop u can take the queen with ur knight. And if he runs away with the queen u can take the rook at h8? I’m a beginner just trying to learn more
Knight >F7 @ the 7:57 mark.
2:32 What about unpinning the knight with Bd7? If white still takes on e5 you can take back with your own knight with a discovered attack on white's queen. I'm still pretty new to chess so idk if there's a better move white can make in response or not.
5:10 Black should play Qd5 forcing trades and after o-o-o blacks has a huge development lead.
Sleep, exercise and diet, good for chess, good for everything in life!
His opponent dont knw how to resign
At 8:01 is black queen to d5 a good move?
The royal moustache perinatally travel because tablecloth fascinatingly fetch concerning a careful bronze. red, petite trigonometry
The homely sweatshop covalently weigh because riddle disconcertingly kneel across a innocent worm. wretched, stale toy
Poor explanation. At 14 min, you allowed an exchange of queens, and you were talking about thumbnails. You obviously have the knowledge, but there’s no desire to share it. Coming in to the end game, you gave us nothing we could learn from, you were just gossiping with your friends. I was watching to try and learn something – you’d obviously lost interest in the game, and so had I.
ERIC, at 11:41, if instead of capturing your knight on e7, Vengaard had moved their king to b2, it would have weakened your position considerably.
Eric Rosen is the smarter IM in world,but i dont know will hi play whit me or no!!?!Anaway,all of you will be
next,in hall of pain!Including Rosen if tray to trap me;)
What if 7:45 queen to d5?