Punishing Beginner Mistakes | Ponziani Opening

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In this video I play a rapid chess game against fellow Twitch Streamer vengaard_live () who is a relatively new to chess— only been playing for ~3 months! In the game, I unleash the Ponziani Opening and proceed to show no mercy. I hope this game provides some instructional value when it comes to exploiting common beginner mistakes and using basic tactics to seize the advantage. Towards the end of the game (once I achieved a decisive material advantage) I put more of my focus towards answering various questions from the Twitch Chat. After the game, I provide some basic tips and advice and show how black could have improve the opening play against the Ponziani.
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Eric Rosen
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London Opening 8-hour video course:

%1$ Comments892

    Don’t get hyped when u crush me.. I’m 10 lmao

    The ablaze cauliflower decisively communicate because volcano electronically last pace a coordinated hardboard. superb, sincere odometer

    Title: punishing beginner mistakes

    YouTube ads: * i kNoW yOu aRE lOokIng fOrWArd aT bEinG bEtTer aT cHeSs”

    What is the Jawa's favorite chess opening?


    Hey Eric, just started playing again the last 2 months and would love to play you and learn from you!

    7:18 I wanted to go g4 and if they took then fork the rook. Probably a mistake but still a cool move I think

    Blacks bishop could have moved I front of its queen giving the knight a 4th defender and also attacking white’s queen. Now white can choose to stand its ground and make a counter move or attack and have blacks queen attack white queen.

    3:10 why not capture the knight on c6, black plays bishop d7 and white captures the pawn on e4 leading with another check

    black moves pawn to a6
    me: good move
    eric: ok this is the first big blunder

    at 12:14 why didnt you just take his bishop for free, instead of worrying about how hes gonna put you in check. The worst he can do is move to take pawn B2 right?

    05:07 Black to move, would loved to see Queen to E5 three-way fork. If White trade, bishop re-take and pressure Rook on H1.

    you need to get your loud swallowing under control.

    Can someone explain why he didn’t play knight e7 at 7:35? I’m not that good it just seems like a good move

    Turn 9: Why not play Nxf7 am I not seeing something here?

    Just out of curiosity, what would have been your response to 7… Qd5?

    Horrible game by Eric, there were so many Better combos

    I feel like this game would be way better back before the internet because every person would be playing their own style but most the people now just play using other peoples strategies and it looks boring

    I dont bite that he was playing for 3x months…either way nice game…gl next

    Triple fork 🙁 minute 8:56 , if you move your knight to f7 , take the queen with bishop , and take one of the rooks with your knight 🙁

    really love this kind of video, would appreciate more beginner mistakes videos in the future

    I don't agree with his game at all he made many mistakes. is he really good? If so he is going way too easy

    This is dumb play someone your queen heavy brought her out to early show me a game you can play you new chess players want to play her way to early you really nor does he know why he is opening this way lol your a joke

    I'm a beginner.. at 5:42 why didn't the Queen go to D5? Pressure the opponent's queen, knight & bish? Just trying to understand as best as i can

    At 13:23 you should have moved your pawn to g3 to capture their queen

    At 11:10, would Pawn takes Bishop (A6->B5) be a good move?

    New player here, about a week in and halfway through Bobby Fischer’s book.

    @, in move 7, when queen takes pawn E4, what if black plays bishop D5; threatening the queen and the pawn on G2 (and protecting the knight at C6), would that destroy your momentum?

    I dont give 2 shits about the game. LETS FOCUS ON HOW HE TYPED SPEED OF LIGHT WITH ONE HAND 6:50

    4 conmercials in a 22 min vid. Gz you are a greedy asshole.

    At 7:20 why didn’t he play Nxf7 to triple fork the queen and rooks?

    Pov: you've never felt the touch of a woman

    7:28 maybe knight should have gone to f7? What do u guys think?

    I’m a beginner and looking to develop. I like your video. What online program are you playing? There are too many apps but I don’t know where the best place to play online is

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