Ridiculous chess bot

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%1$ Comments592

    Gotham: "I am better than you, or at least a better chess player."Magnus watching this:

    Don"t worry Levy Julia is so underrated 😂

    Yeah u noob play with me fyjt8 my account name(I'm just kidding but really try me)

    I am smarter than you,or at least im a better chess playerMagnus Carlsen and Albert Einstein:😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    I'm 1300 elo yet I can't beat cdawgva bot who's 900 elo like wtf?

    you arent smarter than me.What did I eat for breakfast today? ANSWER IS DOWNNothing.

    Bro I’m a 300 player and i beat this with no help💀

    Magnus watching this short like:Tf who u think u are

    Are bots with a specific elo Actually harder than players with the same elo

    Bro premoved last time and lost in 3 seconds dat video💀

    I get numbers like 1800 and 2300 are ranks, but what do the numbers mean?

    *when Magnus watches this video him: keep talking nerd

    Levy:I'm a better chess player. Magnus watching this video: 💀💀💀

    I’ll be honest those bots try to replicate people but they can’t so they’ll do like one dumb move and if you get it you’re lucky. If you don’t your hit with 6 of the nastiest combos a bot can get you. It will check you into a spot and have you there until everything fits like a puzzle and your done for

    My rapid rating is like 1050, but I defeated 1800 elo Samay Raina's bot fair & square.🌚

    Bots in shooting games – 🤡
    Bots in chess – 💀

    "I'm better in chess than you"
    hikaru and magnus watching this vid

    Him: I am a better chess player then u
    Magnus watching: really??

    I am smarter then you.

    What when Magnus See this Video.😏

    I am 300 elo but beat a bot with 1000 elo so the bots are not a good way to measure elo

    I've been stuck on Isabel for about 6 months…

    I can feel your pain, blundered so many moves against the Scanner bot. But won somehow.

    For once in my chess life, I don’t feel so bad about myself losing to 1.5k+ ELO bots

    Levy: i am better at chess than youMagnus watching this video:

    Hikaru canmake the funniest comment ever rn XD

    Magnus watching the beginning of his video

    I lose to 1800 bot, you too, so yu no smarter than me

    im winning against 2300 elo bot 💪🏻

    How did he lose to 1800? I beat an 1800 bot. I even beat a 2000 bot. Granted it took me like 20 attempts 😂

    Magnus Carlson hearing those first few sentences getting

    this is the second video i have watched in the past ten minutes that starts with 'i am smarter than you'

    No you're not wrong I can't even beat all the beginner bots

    I beat a lot of nerds like me from grade 2-12 and they never understood the number 1 rule in chess. When i understood this faster then all of them. They couldn't understand why i never lost. Not you probably dont know they number one rule in chess. Its called…… You're answer?

    "Is there pawn to c3?

    Fax (even though I lose to Martin)

    “I am smarter then you”💀💀💀💀

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