Saddest Chess Moment 💔 #shorts

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    Can't pragg take the castle in the corner now tho?

    Was that mazzy star playing chess in the background?..

    “do you want to analyze?”. that’s dedication ❤

    Would be nice to actually SEE the position.

    Rapport is a good guy with interesting play style, too bad his style is too risky to be on top

    It’s the situation were reversed yall would celebrate it 😂

    Rapport is a gentleman but also credit to Pragg for still asking if Rapport wanted to analyze.

    I have so many saddest chess moments regularly!

    -want to analyze?
    -not after those blunders mate!

    imagine 😂

    Richard is an artist and a gentleman. But Prag is a future world champion, hence Richard apologized to the future King.

    Guys it just a chess match. Why is everyone here so overdramatic? 😅 he is very good player how lost a game because a blunder. Thats it. He will analyze and learn. Why sould he get that hard? 😂

    Wow really heartbreaking moment 😂 its just a blunder why you made it so dramatic and clickbaitish?

    diagram is wrong, it's a queen on C2, not a rock

    Everyone has some down days where the brain or the body underperforms. Even Magnus. It's more rare for these young champions than for us common mortals, but it hurts… 🙂

    why cant knight just block by ke2 then kg1 pragg is winning that way can someone explain….

    It's only a game, even though it hurts. You win you win you lose you learn.

    To immediately say want to analyze is savage lmao and rapport a great person to go over the game with right away

    0:15 – what did Be5 do? Did someone analyze this? Will the pawns promote in time?

    Hoping prag is not too hard on himself.. we indians are proud of you champ

    The longer the game the more painful the loss, especially if you have a winning position. Some people can just quit

    True gentleman, respect.
    That game was incredible by the way.

    If yall wonder why prag didn't take the rook bc the pawn was going to promoted so he resign

    Un pequeño bajón de azúcar o deshidratación y todo a paseo. Creo que eso es un blunder, cuando hablamos de estos gigantes del ajedrez.

    Pragg will one day compete as a world champ heaps of time

    😥sad for pragg but respect for his opponent.

    ❤ we’ve all experienced a heart breaking loss…in chess 😢

    Bei 500 Abonnenten wird dann der schärfste Chip gegessen? 😂

    After the second move, he was 90% sure he was tweaking till pragg resigned

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