Schlatt loses a chess game in 2 moves

schlatt loses to alex botez in a game of chess
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#jschlatt #schlatt #bigguy #short

%1$ Comments227

    I’ve successfully managed to win this way twice.
    Felt freakin awesome

    There are more possible games of chess then there are atoms in the observable universe, and you played the worst one.

    g3 can really pull off reverse psychology fr

    I love how she's like "he can't be serious…"

    Even if he didn't blunder Fool's Mate, that's just a terrible opening. The right bishop and knight are trapped, the king is exposed, and the opponent easily takes control of the center.

    "shes not gonna see this one coming" , what exactly , a dumb move ?

    would have been funny if it wasnt obviously scripted

    Schlatt is a genius – knowing about the Scholar’s mate and turning it into content

    This man managed to get mated in less moves than scholar's mate. I'm impreseed

    You can see the confusion on her face, only to follow it up with a Gargamel

    That was more easy that the Fool’s Gambit

    This is the moment I became a Botez fan ahahah

    I like how he chuckles at her look of disbelief cuz he thinks he's like outsmarted her lol

    I guess I'm a pleb, goy, working class asshole, but in what universe can the king just glide around the board like a bishop?
    I'm very confused.

    Why does she look like that 😂

    I didn't know fools mate could actually happen irl 😂💀

    This is literally the only way to lose in 2 moves and he did it

    Сколько раз я это пересматриваю
    И только понял что наш слоняра, Шлатт, попытался ЗАДВИНУТЬ

    That's kigs gambit. After queen takes white king, white queen takes black. And we all know queen is more powerful than king. He's a genius

    She didn't see it coming. She was a little confused when he made his second move

    the look on his face after he realized he shcrewed up

    I refuse to believe he didn't do this on purpose, he sacrificed his dignity for a funny moment, a true hero

    Alert with those Psychos guy's the guy had issues for touched men's and the girl love to be naked and promoting her hustle online 😏

    Who's on the fucking hell this randoms people are on my site 😅😂😂😂

    Schlong had a flashback of the events of '99 after this checkmate

    Im pretty sure the worst first move is G4

    When i was learning to play chess I decided to challenge my older brother. He destroyed me with this move. I swore off chess for life. XD

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