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0:00 Intro
1:14 Game 1
14:14 Basketball
20:20 Game 2

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%1$ Comments220

    Please do a colab with Gordon Ramsey!🧍🏾‍♂

    what a nice guy with funny glasses channel. i hope he gets to 10 billion subscribers someday🤓

    Would you do a full rundown on both of the game?

    They scored 13,16 the average is not 16..

    Why is levy lagging every time he shoots

    let's goo levy bring chess to the NBA

    How… How did this video even happen? Who contacted who? Where did the idea come from?

    if bro was taller he would have scored more thn the nba player :3

    @lethalshooter LEVI NEEDS A JUMPSHOT

    Levy could you please add subtitles for the 2 players

    This feels like a different take on "Hot Ones", awesome idea! I hope a lot of players and possibly even celebrities want to do this sort of interview!

    dont think we cant see that growing beer belly levy

    You are very funny, mate, keep this up you'll be on Late Night

    Very fun video! For the next one we should know your opponents rating

    daryl morey rebounding and passing for the threes was wild. he loves his chess!

    Levy looks like a child in a playground at the basket ball court😂

    if youre looking for other people to collab with maybe you should contact rener gracie hes a bjj black belt and has already made videos with people from other sports like climbing and boxing

    I'd love to see you and @AdamNeely trade lessons

    Shooting 30% from 3 is lowkey rlly hard, so props to Levy man

    Having Daryl Morey be your rebounder is kinda tuff😂

    Gotham is not a baller. My grandma was a better shooter.

    Everyone trash talking levys jump shot, ey bro you hit quite a few domt matter how it looks

    I didn't hear a Get Outta Here, so this tab will stay open until I do.

    Paul Reed and De'Anthony Melton seem like really cool guys

    Levy your form is worse than mine and hella inconsistent

    At this point 14:52 i thought levy is Spidey and he can do it easily but he's not doing by his intentions 😂

    I really like videos in which Gotham plays against people irl😊

    Levy amazing video do more collabs.

    Bro how tall is levy he seems short but those guys are massive how tall is he

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