Stockfish in Human Form: The Stunning Victory of Bobby Fischer

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Heinz Lehmann vs Robert James Fischer
Havana (1965), Havana CUB, rd 1, Aug-25
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf. Scheveningen Variation (B84)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 Nbd7 7. O-O e6 8. f4 b5 9. Bf3 Bb7 10. e5 Bf3 11. Nf3 de5 12. fe5 Ng4 13. Qe2 b4 14. Ne4 Nge5 15. Ne5 Ne5 16. Ng5 Qb6 17. Kh1 Qb5 18. Qe1 Be7 19. b3 O-O 20. a4 Qc5 21. Qe2 Rac8 22. c4 bc3 23. Ba3 Qc7 24. Be7 Qe7 25. Qe5 Rc5 26. Qe2 Rg5 27. Qa6 Qb4 28. Rfb1 Rd8 29. a5 h6 30. Qc4 Qc4 31. bc4 c2 32. Rc1 Ra5

00:00 Hello Everyone!

Havana (1965)
The 4th Capablanca Memorial International Chess Tournament was held in the capital city of Havana in Cuba. Eighteen grandmasters and six masters participated in the round-robin event at the Habana Libre hotel from August 25 to September 26, 1965. It was one of the best-funded tournaments at the time, due to Ché Guevara’s patronage. As the director of the Cuban National Bank and Minister of Industry, he guaranteed a $3000 first prize with more than $4500 to be dispersed among the next five finishers. This edition of the memorial gained worldwide significance because it was the first international tournament in which Bobby Fischer would be participating since the Curacao Candidates (1962), more than three years before. He had agreed to attend for a $3000 appearance fee, but difficulties arose when the US State Department refused him a visa to travel to Cuba. When Fischer suggested playing by telex from the Marshall Chess Club, the organizers agreed although it would end up costing them over $10,000. Although Fischer had been playing regularly in US championships in the intervening three years (and winning them all), this tournament would mark the first time Fischer would be facing a number of the strongest Soviet grandmasters since his accusations against them for conspiring to keep him from winning the Candidates Tournament to challenge Botvinnik in 1963. Fischer’s main Soviet rivals at this event were former world champion Vasily Smyslov, Efim Geller and Ratmir Kholmov.

Borislav Ivkov led for most of the tournament, but suffered a tragic collapse at the end. In the penultimate round, with a won game against the tailender Garcia, he blundered and had to resign. In the last round, with White against Robatsch, he played for a win, but lost again. This enabled Smyslov to finish first by one-half point, despite losing to Fischer in their individual game. Fischer shared second place with Geller and Ivkov. Kholmov joined the top finishers in fifth place.

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%1$ Comments100

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    3rd : Why would anyone like Magnus, Daniil, Garry or Hikaru?

    Some Iranians say Alireza ( and Mohammadreza? ) Firouzja is a traitor to Iran. ( Source: xbw4kx ) I have no idea if that's true ( anyone have ideas? ), but :

    What do Daniil & Hikaru have in common? Both betray their country for Magnus.

    SayNoTo2900 GodBlessAmerica GodBlessIsrael SayYesTo2800

    Bobby Fischer would agree with me.
    Bobby Fischer would agree with me.
    Bobby Fischer would agree with me.

    We both are mentally unwell (I have ADHD-PH), hate chess & have many friends in the Philippines. Eugene Torre, Bobby Fischer's best friend, accepted my friend request. Wesley So would be Bobby's favourite.


    (Wait actually I'm starting to figure the Alireza thing a little more. Wow. This is insane, REGARDLESS whoever is telling the truth. Anyway…)

    Hikaru Nakamura is almost as evil as the Hikaru in Oshi no Ko. Magnus Carlsen is almost as evil as Light Yagami.

    – Hikaru BASELESSLY sided w/ Magnus over Hans re that
    – Magnus BASELESSLY and HYPOCRITICALLY accused Hans of cheating OTB even though Magnus cheated Anish, Alexandra, Alireza, Danya & Nepo?!
    – How would Hans cheat OTB (i mean for real) w/o help from Chris Bird or Rex Sinquefield ?!?!!

    Is Magnus accusing St Louis Chess Club of an American conspiracy to cheat Magnus?!!?!!!! LOL!!!!

    I was told by oprocyona in 2022 Oct:

    'Many decisions in tournament chess are made to favor the player that brings in the most sponsorship dollars and views, which is undoubtedly Magnus. There's also no doubt that Magnus generally dislikes americans- he said so on one of the Magnus effect podcast episodes.'


    Now, Daniil & Hikaru are traitors for Magnus but not Norway, which was never the villain. Magnus is the villain (but not a supervillain like Hans Niemann. cf Megamind). Will you be surprised if Daniil & Hikaru change federations to Norway?


    Hikaru Nakamura is a traitor to the US for BASELESSLY siding with Magnus Carlsen over fellow American Hans Niemann.

    There's an episode of American Dragon Jake Long where Jake is accidentally sold by h friends. Here, Hans is intentionally sold by h compatriot. (Hans is Jake. Rotwood is Magnus.)

    American Dragon Jake Long
    American Traitor Hikaru Nakamura.

    They're both Americans of East Asian descent. Lol.


    Daniil Dubov is a traitor to Jews & Russians for siding with Magnus over fellow Jewish Russians Ian Nepomniachtchi & Sergey Karjakin in the 2021 WCC.


    Garry Kasparov cheated fellow Jew Judit Polgar in the 1994 Linares.

    This makes Garry


    a traitor to Jews since Judit is Jewish


    necessarily not greatest or most talented of all time (MTOAT) because you can't be valedictorian if you cheated


    a mentor of Magnus Carlsen who similarly cheated Anish Giri, Alexandra Kosteniuk, Alireza Firouzja, Danya Naroditsky & Ian Nepomniachtchi.

    Magnus & Garry are a more evil pair than Hans Niemann & Maxim Dlugy.


    Also some Americans or Philippine people / Filipinos / Filipinas are traitors if they don't consider Wesley So the REAL world champion for the period 2019Nov – 2023Mar. (Kidding…sort of.)

    – T5.1

    Or worse, they consider Wesley So a traitor for moving to the US when Eugene Torre supports the decision which was practically forced due to the corruption of Philippine chess president Prospero Pichay Jr who was somehow re-elected in 2022 July despite being convicted of graft in 2022 June. Probably the same reason Arianne Caoili (Levon Aronian's dead spouse) left the Philippines for Australia. Try telling Levon that Arianne was a traitor.



    – T5.2

    Oh also 1 person did tell me e didn't like Wesley So because of what Wesley So said to h bio mom Leny So. Leny So & Prospero Pichay are HUGE traitors to Philippine chess.
    – Also Leny So said to Wesley So 'putang ina mo.'
    – Wesley So's response: 'Kinda funny that.' LOL.

    – T5.3

    Which is the greater number?

    A – Filipinos / Filipinas who became interested in 9LX soon after Wesley So won 2019 classical WFRCC?

    B – Japanese who became interested in 9LX soon after Hikaru Nakamura, who NEVER WON CLASSICAL 9LX, won 2022 rapid WFRCC?

    Last I checked 1 > 0

    – T5.4

    Oh also based on Bobby Fischer's 2001Apr28 interview, I think Roberto Pe Ang aka Bobby Ang is a traitor too because Bobby Ang was an apologist for Paramount Pictures, in particular the late Sumner Redstone.

    Source :



    Oh actually I think Magnus is a traitor to Scandinavia / Nordics because Hans is of Scandinavian or Nordic descent or something? Idk.






    P.S. Please help get American Wesley So on Jewish American Lex Fridman's podcast. See


    This one is typical of a lot of Fischer's games where he won by working harder than his opponent. Capturing en passant after white's move c4 led to a forcing sequence where Black's queen gets overloaded and White picks up the unprotected knight on e5. Seeing that, most players would have concluded that captures e.p. was busted, but Fischer looked further and found the rook move that X-rayed the queen to win the piece back.

    When Fischer had adjourned games against those Russian grandmasters his opponent would go to sleep and let his second(s) stay up all night analyzing the position. Fischer would stay up all night himself, and sometimes he would find things that the opposition did not.

    It's nice to see Hans Niemann's predecessor slogging it out against the best of his time.

    Yeah that’s tough, I usually put the rook in front when my opponent has their rook behind.

    Fischer imo was like Jordan …. simply believed in crushing the opponent. That mentality.

    See stats for his victory percentage with black pieces.

    i'm shocked that white didnt see that simple tactic

    Sorry but this was very weak game. The level difference was huge

    Bobby Fischer playing Hans Niemann ? greatttt !

    Thanks, Agadmator! Please upload more of Bobby Fischer and Anatoly Karpov games. I enjoy and learn from your videos. Keep it up.

    none thinks so many lines after capturing with knight

    Some years later it was Magnus and Hans Neiman😅

    Why did you not cover Global Chess League Finals?

    Lehmann: Alas, today I became a dishonourary Grand Master.

    No one covers the great games of the past like Antonio

    These old games are far better than modern computer-analyzed games!

    A wonderful game from Fischer, which I didn't see before and H Lehmann played very well too. Thanks Agadmator.

    Do you guys have any advice for a player trying to increase their elo in classical games? Feels like I can never quite crack into 1100 despite thinking my max potential rating is somewhere in the 1350-1400 range

    #suggestion Did you cover any of the Satty Zhuldyz blitz tournament? Some interesting games there. Sindarov vs Arjun was a crazy game. Also nice to see Hou Yifan playing again.

    Bobby is the most intelligent chess player ever.

    I think h6 was not a weak move. The final blow Rxa4 would not be possible without h6 first because then there would be checkmate with Ra8. I guess Fisher saw deeper than Stockfish.

    Please also cover Peter K Wells vs Yoshiharu Habu "Check to the Ooshoo!" from Essent Open (2005). Thank you! 😊

    Hoodie Guy would beat the crap out of Bobby Fischer or Magnus Carlsen! 😅

    Beautiful finish by Fischer! I think Fischer often played second rate moves when he was already winning to save energy. Once he found a winning continuation he stopped looking for more efficient wins. Thanks for the game review! Cheers!

    Even as per Gary Kasparov, the best player in my lifetime, in terms of strength against the field, Bobby Fischer is the GOAT.

    My favourite player however, is the Hoodie Guy.

    It's not stockfish move anyways , clickbait

    Damn… I thought Heinz would Ketchup. I shoulda read the title. 😉

    Is no one else confused by that thumbnail?!

    i agree with B.Fishers view on the world and people due to his high IQ

    How great would be a movie about Fischer starred by Cillian Murphy, directed by Nolan?

    Dunno Fischer is overrated. And obviously noone would ever consider to play 1 b4 o.0
    That would be rather silly. Orange is the new black
    B4 is the new E4
    It's a popculture reference and an interesting tile to play around as highlighted by both fischer games shown arguably this one more since fischer had black. Playing around b4 is favourable for black. Before b4(winkwink) one has to develope first onviously😅
    Why is it up to me to explain a silly joke I made years ago?

    Do you really get a grand for 2 videos? If so I should watch more youtubers again that's just beyond stupid. 😂
    Please pay attention to me please…
    Jeez Louise

    Nope he wasn't the greatest. Nope. Not at all. No way. Never.

    Wow that was Magical Black Rook a5 the straw that broke the camels back Much Enjoyed Fischer Games are Fantastic

    Guess what! They returned the "OLDEST VIDEO BUTTON." Common sense lives again!

    is it me, or does the photo of Fischer resemble the actor Tom Hardy?

    I use the very handy agadmator-library …. It sure would be more handy if the length of the vid was posted, sometimes I want a quickie.

    Super GM's of today would have wiped the floor with the legends like Fischer, Morphy.
    Chess is the most evolved game without any rule change after the advancement in technology.
    It's like comparing a oxcart with a F1.
    Both gets you from A to B but the quality is different.

    Fischer? More like Stockfisher…haha


    Kill me

    "Heinz Lehmann…got his title of honorary grandmaster…"

    Whatever happened to that campaign to get Nezhmetdinov awarded an honorary grandmaster title?

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