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%1$ Comments581

    Why not play knight h6 and if they take the pawn and give a check you can take the queen

    You just provided the best counter for my favorite early game mate the scholars mate

    You literally told to develop ur piece while defending the threat so we could play knight to h6 ….. When I was a beginner I played h6 and many people blundered their queen thinking it was mate

    @GothamChess whats your opinion on playing f5 rather than nf6

    Can you please make a book of lessons and challenges and interesting facts and moves and stuff like that please???

    Why not move night to h6 or f6 blocking the spot they're trying to get to or defending the f7 from checkmate?

    Bro just exposed ever 500 elo players weakness

    Can my third move be kh6, protecting the pawn on f7?

    What is name of this plan? Mate in 4? I know the name of the plan in arabic but in english idk

    You can trick them into hanging a queen knight h6

    Bruh that's why i can't do anymore scholar s check mate

    Moving the queen can also work if they slide the pawn opening the black bishop i can attack with pawn and he moves away


    who else just came here after getting destroyed by that early queen in 3 moves 🥲

    Literally watched this and then applied what you said. I won 🤣

    If the bishop came out I would’ve done knight that h6 could someone tell me if that would be a good move?

    Thx bro I'm lefttprobs gonna use this in my tournament on the 17, 15 more days

    That's actually really really helpful, I always push the pawn 1st and end up in that loop where they inevidentibly take a rook on the corner

    Then night d5 and if they find the wrong move which is pretty common,you win a queen with a fork

    Can't you do knight H6 to defend that pawn?

    Then I accidentaly move my horse forgetting its protecting checkmate😀

    I'm on 700 elo rn and EVERYTIME I play as black they always play this move💀

    hahaha this is useful and funny at the same time

    What to do if play c6( after he plays 1e4) preparing for pric defense?

    Alternative title: How to stop the Wayward Queen Attack

    I always do knight to F6. If this is a mistake can better than me someone explain why?

    If the queen stays H5 then play pawn D6 then Knight H6, if the queen is still in H5 play bishop g4 and congratulations you trapped the queen.

    This is exactly how I defend when I see this move

    Im not very happy.
    I’m elated, overjoyed even.

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