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%1$ Comments581

    After Knight c6 i would play knight h6 but i think this is better

    I prefer Sicilian defense and try to do dragon version and if he try’s anything I just play e6

    u’ve posted this before levi 😒

    I always play knight to c6 i discovered it on my own after trying to kick the queen and they took the pawn and my rook

    lol, i knew this a long time ago, and when someone tried to be sneaky, bam

    I bullied my friend until he stopped playing this against everyone, im proud of him now we can play regular shit games (he is 800 i am 900)

    My opponent: play those exacts moves, me: Ok Nelson😂

    This is why I love the Kings Indian. It seems to stop the early attacks. 😊

    Alternative mive, instead of pawn to G6, knight to H6 works too

    Then what about the actual best first move

    Thanks for the tip! He played a different move and i blundered 7 pieces

    Thank you soo much I always don't know what to do when the opponent uses the queen in like 3 moves

    And that is how I beat Nelson everytime I'm in a bad mood

    Ooo this is because of this guy where I cannot make this move and every player findes about it

    Counter idea: play d6 and after their bishop comes out, play nh6. Then, they play an in between move (usually d3) and bg4 forces a queen trade if they played d3, otherwise it completely traps their queen.

    Ah yes now my wayward queen opening will never work again

    Instead of knight to f6 can we play knight to h6 and if he moves pawn on d2 then we can move our pawn on g6 which is protected by queen

    Is it good move to develop pieces or bad I am learning chess so I need to know

    To protect the pawn at F7 My best move is Knight H6

    You can also offer them a queen trade by slide queen in the exact line they trying to checkmate

    Yes, very happy! Thank you for sharing your chess wisdom. As a 450 elo player, I'm always at a loss of what to do when they get their queen out. So this is very helpful for me.😅

    My dumbass saying knight eats E5 pawn after queen F3 💀

    I usually just play knight to h6 and that completely shuts down the whole strat and let's you keep on doing ur opening

    When playing the scholars mate, what i do is I first threaten mate, then try to fork the rook and king with knight and block the bishop. They defend with queen, but I sack the knight, threatening M2

    Spam "C'mon bot shut up!!!!" to the comment section of every bot here…

    Almost every my game my opponent throws their queen out, for me to squeeze the damn out of it.

    I learned this through trial and error

    After queen goes to f3, Knight h6 is a better move than f6.

    I know this well.. unfortunately I learned it on my own after getting Mating countless times 😅

    Література Українською says:

    Kh6, is better move, because if your opponent takes your pawn with a pre-move or not paying attention to that knight, he will lose THE QUEEN.

    Instruction unclear, now my friend had a seizure and moved a4

    Nothing feels quite so nice early game as being able to develop with a tempo.

    Maria: Come Fast To Get Into My Body says:

    That's… actually really useful. Always wondered how you defend that without losing everything

    Or just king walk your king out of the hole (if your an idiot like me)

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