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%1$ Comments581

    played maybe a hundred games with the 1300 elo bot Nelson, the guy who likes to bring out the queen early, to learn the correct sequence of moves to deal with this bs

    Lure the queen to f5 then play d5, attack the queen and the bishop at the same time

    Some ppl I’ve played against immediately moves the pawn out hanging a pawn and a fork leading to a rook, free pawn and rook baby!

    I usually do Knight h6 and if the opponent thinks its mate, I take his queen

    Stop telling people this it's my only opening

    theres a way to win the queen if you're lucky:
    after queen to h5:
    black pawn to d6,
    if white pulls the bishop to c4:
    play knight to h6 protecting the f7 scuare,
    if he doesnt move the queen:
    you play white scuared bishop to g4 and you won the queen…
    if white pulls bishop to b5 and not to c4:
    play black pawn to c6 and keep going with the other things to win the queen.
    (If white moves the queen and sees the queen-kill-move then idk what to do after.)

    But I'm white in this situation 💀✋

    But what should black play after Qb3, continuing the attack??

    I need to drill this into my marrow, I keep forgetting this

    Most times I play knight H6 ,is that bad? I'm 1250 rating btw

    Man missed a fork with the queen and bishop

    Never thought Daniel Radcliffe would become chess strategist

    I play g5 when opponent plahy h6 lol opening

    Fawn instead of knight… white will block its own position and you can then develop and attack

    Wrong. instead of night c6 u play pawn d6 then when bishop comes out you play night h6, if he doesn't move the queen on the next move bishop g4 traps queen.

    I basically play this exact thing regularly as white and then play pawn c3 to prevent knight d4 (which attacks the queen and threatens rook and forces me to get the queen back)

    I don't know why, it's just comfortable for me that way
    And people occasionally play knight f6 instead of pawn g2 and hang mate so that's fun

    I learned this the hard way back in my early days lol

    You could win if you put your queen in e5 from the first move

    Everytime they play the wayward.. I play this.. even before watching this

    I learned this ever since my enemy use that opening and I learned that with experience hshshs

    I actually play this opening a lot against my 1200 friends. When i tryharded chess i was 1700 at my peek, so i manage to get an opening advatage here somehow. They always get super mad about this, saying shit like play a real opening or are you a clown. I usually respond by getting a checkmate on around move 20.

    No matter what black knight g6 or white knight a3 gotta be my favorite counter here🥂

    i love when they move the queen to h3, crazy discovered attack they almost never find

    Here is a fork that yall didn't know at all
    Knight c5 attacking the queen
    Now if they attacked from the left side your lucky now the frok is knight f2!!!!!!!!

    I beat guy after this video took his queen checkmated him with 2 knights and a rook 😂😂😂

    knight h6 also stops checkmate

    Why not put knight g6 to attack the queen and the pawn

    They really helping out the people that get 20 blunders a game

    Me personally I would bring out the knight to g6 just to stop the mate instead of doing complicated stuff

    matthew benaiah juharta tarigan SMPPLJKT says:

    just punish em back

    I normally don’t play g6 if some mf plays this opening, I’d normally play Nh6 and if they think Qxf7 I mate, I take their queen with my horsey

    The first thing with the horsie, I did that. After that rho wirh the pawn not I always went with queen, thx for the info I still neednto learn a lot.

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