SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia 2024: Day 5 | #GrandChessTour

Live from The Westin Zagreb, the SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz is the fifth edition in our Croatia series and the third of five legs of the Grand Chess Tour. Seven of the Tour players are joined by three wildcards (pairings below) for a rapid round robin and a blitz double round robin. Today is the final blitz round robin, plus playoffs if necessary. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Evgenij Miroshnichenko & Cristian Chirila, IM Jovanka Houska, and WGM Anastasiya Karlovich for the move-by-move.


BLITZ ROUND 10 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Ian Nepomniachtchi (14.5) vs. Fabiano Caruana (21)
Alireza Firouzja (16) vs. Wesley So (16.5)
Levon Aronian (14.5) vs. Gukesh D (11.5)
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (16.5) vs. Ivan Saric (6.5)
Anish Giri (10.5) vs. Vidit Gujrathi

BLITZ ROUND 11 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Wesley So vs. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Gukesh D vs. Fabiano Caruana
Alireza Firouzja vs. Ian Nepomniachtchi
Vidit Gujrathi vs. Levon Aronian
Ivan Saric vs. Anish Giri

BLITZ ROUND 12 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs. Alireza Firouzja
Fabiano Caruana vs. Vidit Gujrathi
Anish Giri vs. Wesley So
Ian Nepomniachtchi vs. Gukesh D
Levon Aronian vs. Ivan Saric

BLITZ ROUND 13 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs. Ian Nepomniachtchi
Wesley So vs. Levon Aronian
Ivan Saric vs. Fabiano Caruana
Alireza Firouzja vs. Anish Giri
Vidit Gujrathi vs. Gukesh D

BLITZ ROUND 14 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Fabiano Caruana vs. Wesley So
Levon Aronian vs. Alireza Firouzja
Anish Giri vs. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Ian Nepomniachtchi vs. Vidit Gujrathi
Gukesh D vs. Ivan Saric

BLITZ ROUND 15 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Alireza Firouzja vs. Fabiano Caruana
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs. Levon Aronian
Wesley So vs. Gukesh D
Anish Giri vs. Ian Nepomniachtchi
Ivan Saric vs. Vidit Gujrathi

BLITZ ROUND 16 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Fabiano Caruana vs. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Gukesh D vs. Alireza Firouzja
Levon Aronian vs. Anish Giri
Vidit Gujrathi vs. Wesley So
Ian Nepomniachtchi vs. Ivan Saric

BLITZ ROUND 17 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Anish Giri vs. Fabiano Caruana
Levon Aronian vs. Ian Nepomniachtchi
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave vs. Gukesh D
Alireza Firouzja vs. Vidit Gujrathi
Wesley So vs. Ivan Saric

BLITZ ROUND 18 | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
Fabiano Caruana vs. Levon Aronian
Ian Nepomniachtchi vs. Wesley So
Vidit Gujrathi vs. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
Ivan Saric vs. Alireza Firouzja
Gukesh D vs. Anish Giri

2 TIED = Two-Game Match | 8 Min. Incr. 3 Sec.
3+ TIED = Round Robin | 5 Min. Incr. 2 Sec.
If either scenario fails to produce a winner, the remaining tied players will have an armageddon knockout (White shall have 5 minutes and Black shall have 4 minutes, with a 2 second increment from move 61.)

%1$ Comments45

    Thats Nepo when he detects hopelesness, you may review his game against Nihal Sarin a few years back in which he stand time to time leave the table every move every other move and etc. that was disturbing I felt even I was only a viewer.

    Time is also part of the game. Why are you angry Nepo? Accept it that you lost on time….

    Congratulations wesley so 🇵🇭🇺🇲😊

    Well done, Fabi! Keep getting better at rapid and blitz.

    A rapid and blitz event won by caruana when magnus didn't participate, do I need to say more or you understand?

    The last time Nepo knocked over pieces like that was when he bottled the final game of the World Championship game.

    Childish Nepo…. and maturity of Wesley So.

    Faabbbbbiiiiii yaaaayyyyy!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    Yasser, PLEASE stop mispronouncing "Cariuana", it's driving us nuts. 😝

    1:14:00 Someone should write the book: Stockfish's Greatest Games . It would be the best chess book ever, and a well-deserved tribute. What gems have been discovered by these machines (sigh…)

    Actually, nepo did not knock down the pieces just to be annoying. If we look at the previous matches of nepo and so, we can see that son knocked over Nepo's pieces to gain time and stole Nepo's time.

    nepo aslında gıcıklık olsun diye taş devirmedi nepo vs so maçlarına bakarsak so nun onceden taşları zaman kazanmak için devirip neponun süresini çalmıstı nepo da bu sebepten bu turnuvada intikam almak icin taşları devirdi hepsi bu

    Yasser should quit this extremely annoying ”wowwowwowwowwowwow” noise.

    Congratulations, Fabi! You've shown once again you're the most formidable player who could take the world championship title. As for Nepo, what a childish gesture. You could have talked to GM So in private about his mistakes and let it go. But you chose this immature act.

    True. If the two strongest players in the world are not playing the World Championship then it doesn't really count.

    They should find faster commentators next time, covering 5 games at the same time is manageable

    Congratulations papa wes you're in 2nd place😊!!

    Fabi is now tremendous, congrats 😊!!

    Jovanka Houska keeps mispronouncing Nepomniachtchi. He has won the candidates tournament several times, has been in the top 15 for over 10 years and this female commentator keeps hearing from her commentator colleagues how to pronounce IANS last name and yet she still sticks with the wrong pronunciation. Either she is ignorant, or she simply has something against Russians. Awkward!

    What's the use of these game reviews with Christian when he clicks through the games at the speed of light?

    Fabi must be hoping Magy and Naka will be out of action for the next few years.

    Am I the only one to find Jovanka's pronunciation ("chass", "chack", "tan sacands", "Gukash") ever so slightly annoying?

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