Tech Mahindra Global Chess League – Day 7 Live Stream

%1$ Comments73

    Is this event being streamed live from any other platforms or channels?

    Interestingly Salem is a great addition to the commentary, keeps puting his ideas, knowledge, understanding much better than others

    Why are you guys making videos private and public again and again? Just delete the channel

    Why are you spoiling right on thumbnail,what were you even thinking?…

    2:21:43 Shit's serious when two former World Champs have their hands shivering during an endgame.

    magnus endgame is aliens level !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The great rivalry between these two GOATS
    Just amazing
    Two icons
    Two 5time World champions
    Just just beaty 🔥🔥🔥

    When the board is switched why the name of players always so far lacking behind? Hey, we are living in the 21st century. Digital can work at break neck speed now. Don't tell me the speed is lacking or someone in the control room not paying attention to switch.

    It’s so irritating when the screen is showing some crucial moves of a particular game only to be cut off suddenly only to show another screen players walking off after a drawn game. It happened so many times. Why not just announced that game is drawn. Why must show the players walking off. Is that so important? Let us continue to follow the crucial moves. Pls improve your editing

    It was the best game over the board I have ever seen since I started following chess ❤❤

    Three more rounds to go. It should be hotter and more exciting. Magnus Carlsen's games against Vishy Anand are fantastic end-game studies, which even normal players should continue several moves from the end.

    I'm only an ELO 1948 player, but I find the commentary too elementary. They should one GM commentating full time.

    Someone needs to tell Sagar and Tania that if they constantly shriek … it "leaves no room" for the spectator to feel our own excitement. It's been a persistent problem with their commentary, not just in this otherwise great video.

    Great game by Magnus, but super overacting comentators

    WoW 😯! That was an absolutely insane match. I was shouting for Team SG and Magnus, but what an incredible humble and gifted player GM V. Anand is 💗. Chess was the ultimate winner in the end. Well done, Tech Mahindra GCL xxx

    2:26:22 Vishy's hands are shaking from the adrenaline and probably the upset. Shows how much he still remains invested in the game. What differentiates champions from the commoners.

    Why not King B2 before magnus promotes to a night ??

    Yifan Hou is the second highest rated woman player ever, and a four time world champion, is playing really good chess, but is getting completely ignored by the broadcast. I was excited for this tournament just to see her and Vishy play, since they play so rarely (both being semi-retired). Ive seen Vishy lots, and thats been good, but the relative camera time that Yifan has received in comparison is criminally low, and honestly you should be ashamed of yourselves for blundering this opportunity, because knows when we will get to see her play agian?

    The only mistake Vishy did was to smile – when he saw he missed a big win! @Vishy you had 1 minute and he was down to seconds, why ohh why?!! THAT gave Magnus confidence to push, underpromote in under 2 seconds (WOW!) and win!!

    Pragg deserves to play on board 1 or atleast board 2 in rapid games, after his extraordinary performance in magnus champions tour. Him playing on last board is blessing in disguise for sg alpine warriors.

    It takes two to tango! And the two greats brought magic. Magnus kept pushing and Vishy tried fortress, counter-attack, stalemate tricks and more. Had it been just a draw, it would be forgotten. But now it goes into the end game annals for ages.

    2:23:26 Magnus is genius he is goat after this move I am fan of Magnus Carlsen

    Please keep salem on for teh rest of the days . He is very good and is a top player as well

    I wish vishy could win a match aginst magnus in this league…

    8-10 next year, this tournament will be set🎉.hope it returns next year

    🐐 MAGNUS vs VISHY 👑
    It was lovely to witness such an incredible rapid endgame live!

    Why can't tania pronounce indian names ?. Sagar pronounces it just fine . She puts on that weird accent when she tries to pronounce telugu surnames like dronavalli or erigaisi

    Amazing commentary from all ends. Really worth sticking to the game.
    Glad they turned off that live comments.

    We have this one guy who wins every single game at 2:33:07 . What a praise from the GOAT for pragg

    Vishy vs Magnus What an endgame🔥🔥🔥 also both exchanging smiles in between the game😂❤️

    Magnus the beast man just amazing though vishy too missed many chances but man that was outstanding

    Even if it's bakrid. This goat jus doesn't give a f

    We are so lucky to see Magnus play, he is likely to go down as the greatest chess player of all time

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