Tech Mahindra Global Chess League – Day 7 Live Stream

%1$ Comments73

    Pragg putting up the show again !Wow what an incredible support he is providing to sg alpine warriors👏👏👏

    Magnus finally showed how do the knights move 🔥🐐

    Always vishy plays brilliant but it's long since he defeated carlsen😢

    2:22:01 Vishy smiles as The Mozart of chess weaving his endgame magic. Magnus the 🐐played one of the most thrilling endgames in a rapid match. Incredible excitement and the mutual respect between Magnus and Vishy is beautiful!

    Man the views of the live stream show 6.3K but i remember the peak viewing was close to 10k

    That endgame was something else.
    Goat for a reason 🐐

    what a match.. waiting for Agad's analysis..

    Wow what an endgame!!!! For the first time in my life, I was happy because of Vishy losing. And for the first time in this league, I had goosebumps while watching live.

    That Knight promotion ..Pure Magic ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
    Lucky to witness the match

    Tomorrow is Bakrid and this GOAT is shining bright…Legend of this game.

    Seeing the endgame was such a thrill akin to watching the IPL final

    F the production team. Today the commentry and games were lit apart from all the echoing . Nice job sportzworkz👍🏻

    What an endgame by magnus…lucky that I got to witness this live

    Аркадий Чернобровкин says:

    Hou Yifan destroys!💪

    Аркадий Чернобровкин says:

    Magnus – magician!🔥🔥🔥

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