The BIGGEST Mistake Chess Players Make #shorts

This is the Biggest & Most Common Mistake that Most Chess Players Make. Beginners & intermediate players immediately exchange when they get a chance. Remember, this golden rule – ‘To Take is a Mistake’.
#Shorts #ChessTalk #Chess

%1$ Comments464

    "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting"
    -Sun Tzu

    Which chess is that ? Share the name for the play store

    My golden rule-
    Don't play the every obvious move you opponent wants you to play!

    Can you just give a check by the knight

    I disagree with this example. Black activates a bishop, but then you get to trade off an inactive bishop for an active one, simplify the position, and pretty much kill any momentum black has.

    WOW, I love that chess board you have, does anyone know which model or brand it is?

    The biggest mistake chess players make is they starting a game.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    I'm not good at chess can't we just take his bishop after he takes out knight?

    Instructions unclear, I have now dropped 3000 ELO points and I always resign whenever one of my prices gets captured, since my opponent will not use common sportsmanship, smh my head🀦

    Not all take is bad my friend πŸ˜€ i have this strat that to exchange and exchange officials while developing my defence πŸ˜€ idont know if thats weird 🀣

    For ghotam this would be a chapter of danger levels

    Why didn't you just move the pawn forward what is he going to do take it?

    pawn h3 knight is getting triple attacked with a double defence with the added bonus that the attacking pieces added up are less than the defending queen which means free +3 or oh damn but still +3 or they could retreat letting you more easily pressure the queen h3 is better

    Me Just moves the Pawn And threaten to take the knight

    Pawn forward = save
    I don’t Trust all the YouTube masters

    Thank you . Hopefully just this makes me a much better player . I make this mistake a lot

    I didn't even notice knight was there. I would have simply push the pawn

    i would have pushed pawn to h3, attacking the knight.

    What if u trade the bishops too then the mate treath is gone

    I was looking at H3. That'd keep the tension too, no?

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