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%1$ Comments300

    Personally would prefer greater focus on more interesting games

    Thanks IM Goutam for excellent footage coverage of candidates with brilliant analysis 🎉❤

    The fact Levi has sales on his courses is such a plug!

    When you will interview nepo please do it in Russian 😅

    Since you asked, I feel like I’m learning when you break down and explain what’s going on like in your recent deng vs magnus video. You could make a playlist out of 8 games mayne, just note I’m making this comment at the beginning so I will probably still learn something since I’m an 850 noob

    A lot of 2 year olds watch chess on YouTube.

    Why is all your player names swapped? showing wrong for white and black pieces… We can't even understand who plays black and who plays white from your setup. Terrible..
    Learn from agadmator and display near the pieces with pic.

    7:40 so you let us be confused about hikaru vs kramnic cheating thing while u have a statistics degree 😂😂

    You got all these low rated people playing scandi Levy. Half of them lose their queen after like 5 moves. 😂

    I look so forward to videos like this. I loved your Tata Steel coverage! It made me very excited to keep tabs on my first tournament as a new chess player. Being around a few months longer now, understanding the importance of games like Nakamura v. Caruana, seeing the underdog of Abasov draw against Nepo, and as a woman getting to keep up with other feminine chess players!

    This is wonderful. Please continue to cover all games. I will happily make some snack and watch the whole thing. ♥

    Still on the train that chess 960 should be implemented in the candidate’s cycle

    i really enjoy these shorter formats allows me to get through all the games in a timely manner

    Great recap: Ian Nijats game was boring tbh.

    Hi Levy, I know you’re probably very busy and to my knowledge don’t take requests for Chessly courses but I just wanted to say I would love a Chessly course on the candidates! Sort of a deep analysis type thing — I’m sitting at just about 2000 rapid and would love to take my chess to the next level with grandmaster game reviews. Have a great day!

    Can we get a "candidates" count please?

    I tried but was hypnotized to sleep by the 5th one in the first 30 seconds

    Uh yeah Levy that's not how probabilities(sic) work. It appears you've fallen for the "gambler's fallacy" if you think Nepo is "due" for a win.

    I was watching the fabi-naka games during school!!

    Levy is doing his best but this is some boring ass chess.

    These are the times you actually miss Magnus Carlsen🙂🙂

    who always skips the woman's part

    Levy was really about to say the dragons den rather than lions den for the Chinese women's match coverage Levy my guy your a dog lol. Oh and passing over the Petrov because it's notoriously drawish nice touch

    Was really hoping we'd see some THE ROOOOK

    Hikaru and Alireza coming out swinging. They have my vote for favorites to win

    Be fair to the Scandinavian. I played it for years and when I learned the Sicilian my rating went up by 100 overnight

    Make a separate video for men’s and for women’s

    1. d3 and he is down with a torn ACL. They will have to cart him from the board…

    Divide into 2 videos. No one is interested in the women's section

    Hikaru straight up said he played like that because he’s not playing to win, he’s playing for content

    Love the recaps! And btw I think you can exclude some boring games, or just mention their result without analysis

    has levy ever made a boring vid? seriously.

    and you were in my home city dude. come back soon!!!!

    Love to see all the games. Thanks for grinding, Levy!

    I think you should do 2 separate videos, one for the women and one for the mens tournament. Gives each game more time and significance

    They should do it differently that winner gets 1 point loser looses one point and if game is a draw they both get nothing. So they won't try to make a draw they will try to win . This would make games interesting and a lot more people will watch these games

    not many chess players likely to have a torn acl, lol

    Loving the content and also your enthusiasm as well!!
    thank u, keep it up!!!
    greetings from Chile

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