The Chinese Chess Pro who Disappeared for 10 years

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%1$ Comments385

    What appropriate measures should be taken if Magnus Carlsen invades the Engine Chess World Cup, simply start holding a barbecue in honor of the six-time champion Stockfish, and start inviting everyone to eat Magnus' picanha, and even inviting Stockfish to eat a barbecue

    Levy finally mentions magnus in his video

    This is what happens when there is no money in the game. Not many kids get drafted out if college in the NBA and say, "you can keep that multi million guaranteed contract, I'm going to business school." But dropping the game to get serious sbout making a living is normal in chess.

    Bro cant even hit 200k views how pathetic !

    You peeked my kid's attention with "skibidi toilet"….."daddy, why are you watching skibidi toilet?"

    Levy seems to not intend any "pawns" recently (no pun intendet)

    Its Spaskys birthday today, so you could make a video about his career.

    At 15:42, why not move the bishop to B6 for discovered check, and take the black queen?

    10:16 levy being self conscious of his degrading video qualities so he had to cope

    22:02 both players threatening mate in the same square, beautiful.

    there are a lot good players who stopped playing this game because they know what chess is all about. dont waste your time with this stupid nonsence

    Well guys it looks like Wei Yi is better than me (I may as well be rated 0)

    kinda feel bad for this Bruzon guy, because this game is what he is best known for smh

    I mean ofc most of u are better at chess than me but just a question , isnt bishop to b6 revealed check just winning a queen and then winning the game 16:05 , can someone tell gotham this please . Congrats to Wei btw 👏……….

    Dude probably knows he’s good at chess and that there isn’t much money in chess so focuses on career elsewhere. Just a guess

    levy never fails to forget that silly gmod videos were a staple of his youth too

    I remember when he stormed the Chess world with that game vs Bruzon, a modern masterpiece. Glad to see he's proved himself once again.

    Oh good the names are fixed. I hated the commas.

    I’m not trying to be pedantic here but Lázaro is pronounced with the strength of pronunciation in the first syllable and not like Gotham does it, putting the strength on the second syllable. So it is LAzaro and not LaZAro. It hurts my Cuban ears just a little bit 🤣🤣🤣.

    Hey levi i want to share my low elo game with you😂
    How to send levi my game.. Plz tell anyone

    Hey Vishwanathan Anand is not a " local character ". ☠️

    levy knowing about skibidi toilet is really funny to me

    or it wasnt 10 years or im so fucking old

    Wei Yi has beaten Ding Liren many times and was the Chinese chess champion back in 2015-2017

    Wei Yi retired to play against stockfish

    If you are smart, you should play chess. If you are very very smart, you should quit chess.

    Holy crap Wei Yi is top ten? Yeah I remember almost a decade ago he was the next big thing, and great to see a career resurgence from him!

    How Wei Yi calculated the position for about 15 moves ahead after the move Nd5 reminds of the game that Garry Kasparov played a long time ago where he sacrificed the rook on d4 against Veselin Topalov and he also just like Wei Yi calculated for 15 moves ahead. INSANE!!!

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