The Difference Between 1600 And 2400 Chess ELO [My Rating Climb]

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πŸ”Ή How I Went From 1600 To 2260 ELO In 1 Year –

β™› Find GM Igor Smirnov’s games shown in the video in this blog-post –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares the secret behind his chess transformation; how he went from a level of 1600 ELO to 2400 ELO, and became an International Master, all within just 2 years!

He presents a couple of his own games: one played when he was around 1600 ELO, and the other, 2 years later, when he reached 2400 ELO. More importantly, he explains the differences in his thinking processes between these two periods.

Therefore, after watching this video lesson, you will learn exactly how to think like a chess master and find the best moves with ease!

β–Ί Chapters

00:00 GM Igor Smirnov’s Rating Climb
00:08 Game-1 (1600 ELO level Igor)
00:45 Position-1 (Wrong Thinking Process)
02:01 Right Thinking ProcessΒ 
06:00 Position-2
07:27 Position-3
08:59 Tip: To take is a mistake
10:25 Maintain the tension
12:31 Position-4
13:27 Puzzle of the day
13:57 Position-5
16:33 Game-2 (My first win against a GM)
17:08 Position-1
18:41 Position-2
20:36 Position-3
22:10 Position-4
22:40 Position-5
24:11 Position-6
24:48 Position-7
26:46 Position-8
29:42 Position-9 (What to do when there is no way to attack)
30:51 Position-10
31:00 Final winning tactics

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%1$ Comments71

    Your emphasis on attacking at any given opportunity have really helped my chess and performance in other games as well. It's something that I have always intuitively understood in other games but in chess it's easy go get lost, as you often say.

    Love this vid and the concepts. Looking for to applying as I definitely need to simplify my thinking 🀯😁

    Thid video was super helpfull and i realy enjoyed it, i would appreciate more content like this. I think it helped me imrove a lot.

    Hi! We're developing an auto-moved chess robot combined robotic arms and AI technology. We're especially keen to chat with potential users like you about what features you'd like to implement and what you think would be a fair price.

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    Magnus said the exact same thing in a recent video, " Keep up the tension & make him pay for releasing it."

    I loved the way you explained it, very enlightening. It's already changed the way I'm seeing my chess games. Greetings from Brazil

    Egor, I'd love to see your take on the Meises opening. I got my ass handed to me TWICE today by a lower rated guy playing both white and black using this weird opener.

    I think you're one of best chess teachers on youtube. I have learned a lot from your videos.

    Thank you so much GM Igor :)…So much knowledge shared in such a short time…Love your lessons and by the way you ROCK :)…probably one of the best around!

    the dislikers are grandmasters who are angry you are revealing their secrets

    Holy shit! I have just won a 2000 opponent using your logic. Only looking for attacking options works surprisingly well. Insane content! Thank you!

    Great video! Igor you are awesome and make chess very entertaining πŸŽ‰

    I reach 0 to 2100 in 8 month
    How it look to your Improvement igorπŸ˜…

    Thanks Igor, very instructive video πŸ‘

    GM Igor never bores you with countless amounts of variation or fancy names, He actually teaches chess on a deeper level, so that you can build up your thinking system by following the basic principles of a chess game, and with a little practice these ideas become automated you dont have to mechanically remember them but they come to you naturally during a game, i was a weak 1300 player when i came across the video, "To take is a mistake" few years back and my chess changed , right now I'm 2200+ all thanks to The Remote Chess Academy βœ”οΈ

    You were right when you said this video is a 'game changer'. I wish I had had access to this straightforward advice about 50 years ago. I was about 2150 when I was 20 years old, completely self-taught (as chess tutors were a rarity in the UK in the 1970s!). I can clearly see that my chess would have benefited from some of your simple ways to approach the middlegame. I can totally relate to ways of playing when I was around 1600 too. Excellent video and I hope it helps many people. It definitely will if they follow your advice.

    Loved this video! I improve my ELO by about 100 points every time I change my way of thinking. It's so much fun when you start getting winning streaks πŸ™‚ Thanks for all the content you provide!

    i started to play by watching chess streamers on what should be the opening idea to construct a solid centre or to get better piece activity…worked on by tactics, solved puzzles and now i am usually 1700+-20 without knowing any opening theories by name.πŸ€·β€β™‚..i know theories are important if you want to excel professionally but learning theories at an early stage rather than building natural game is like mugging up rather than understanding the depth in my view..

    Really insightful.. thanks fir sharing. Love the 'how you think in chess' videos

    As instructive as always!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    Outstanding video. These videos where you review your games are your best ones. Please do more of them.

    Rxd5 and if Queen takes then there is Bf4 winning the queen as it is pinned to the king

    This is a million dollar video for a chess lover…thanks again

    The pawn push at 11:27 successfully weakened the a2-g8 diagonal and closed the a1-h8 which the bishop was controlling, definitely should not play it unless it's the last resort to hold the position

    Cant figure the schame sir Igor ? Very much deep deception moves.

    Brilliant video thankyou! 30min videos are perfect imo

    My frds reach 2200 in 30 days wat he do use low rated chess engine for cheat πŸ˜‚ and never get caught.

    "How I Went From 1600 to 2400 Chess ELO in 2 Years"
    Talent, and nothing else, you were just lucky to have it, don't act like anyone else can do the same.

    "How I Went From 1600 to 2400 Chess ELO in 2 Years"
    Talent, and nothing else, you were just lucky to have it, don't act like anyone else can do the same.

    Very useful,and also works to,help out working out what the opposition might be thinking also

    Very useful,and also works to,help out working out what the opposition might be thinking also

    13:40 I'll play Rxd5 as white because after Qxd5 Qxd5 and Rxd5, Bc4 pins the rook to king and even moves like Be6 by black to get a bishop for the rook wont be that great if white uses his rook on the e file

    13:40 I'll play Rxd5 as white because after Qxd5 Qxd5 and Rxd5, Bc4 pins the rook to king and even moves like Be6 by black to get a bishop for the rook wont be that great if white uses his rook on the e file

    00:02:08 Active play: forward, activate pieces, attack.
    00:08:02 Avoid trading without specific reason; maintain tension.
    00:11:07 Rook E8 to keep tension, force opponent's move.
    00:14:30 Think forward, create threats in opponent's territory.
    00:16:25 Focus on strategic gameplay in chess.
    00:17:08 Avoid unnecessary piece exchanges for positional advantage.
    00:18:01 Maintain tension to create opportunities for counterplay.
    00:20:38 Prioritize forward moves to attack and create threats.
    00:26:10 Utilize counterattacks to surprise opponents and gain advantages.
    00:27:59 Consider tactical forcing moves for strategic gains.
    00:29:46 Plan attacks and prepare threats even without immediate targets.
    00:31:19 Calculate and consider tactical exchanges for positional advantages.

    00:02:08 Active play: forward, activate pieces, attack.
    00:08:02 Avoid trading without specific reason; maintain tension.
    00:11:07 Rook E8 to keep tension, force opponent's move.
    00:14:30 Think forward, create threats in opponent's territory.
    00:16:25 Focus on strategic gameplay in chess.
    00:17:08 Avoid unnecessary piece exchanges for positional advantage.
    00:18:01 Maintain tension to create opportunities for counterplay.
    00:20:38 Prioritize forward moves to attack and create threats.
    00:26:10 Utilize counterattacks to surprise opponents and gain advantages.
    00:27:59 Consider tactical forcing moves for strategic gains.
    00:29:46 Plan attacks and prepare threats even without immediate targets.
    00:31:19 Calculate and consider tactical exchanges for positional advantages.

    Outstanding video sir, very very useful, congrats!

    Still thinking why the pawn couldn't be captured by the knight in the game 1.

    An 800 player, I'm guessing, I love playing against the computer on Lichess and doing puzzles. In the second game, I paused the tape (easy on a PC desktop: the space bar) on every Black move, ie, a puzzle on every move, and then heard the GM's thoughts, which almost never, sadly, matched mine. Mr Smirnov, you're a man among men as you share your wisdom. Many thanks.

    I could listen to you all day long so don't worry about your videos being too long. Just keep moving forward and attacking and I'll be there listening.

    Lots of channels cover good basics for openings, tactics, etc. But your videos have helped with the correct mindset and way of thinking than any others so far. Good stuff mate.

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