The Difference Between 1600 And 2400 Chess ELO [My Rating Climb]

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🔹 How I Went From 1600 To 2260 ELO In 1 Year –

♛ Find GM Igor Smirnov’s games shown in the video in this blog-post –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares the secret behind his chess transformation; how he went from a level of 1600 ELO to 2400 ELO, and became an International Master, all within just 2 years!

He presents a couple of his own games: one played when he was around 1600 ELO, and the other, 2 years later, when he reached 2400 ELO. More importantly, he explains the differences in his thinking processes between these two periods.

Therefore, after watching this video lesson, you will learn exactly how to think like a chess master and find the best moves with ease!

► Chapters

00:00 GM Igor Smirnov’s Rating Climb
00:08 Game-1 (1600 ELO level Igor)
00:45 Position-1 (Wrong Thinking Process)
02:01 Right Thinking Process 
06:00 Position-2
07:27 Position-3
08:59 Tip: To take is a mistake
10:25 Maintain the tension
12:31 Position-4
13:27 Puzzle of the day
13:57 Position-5
16:33 Game-2 (My first win against a GM)
17:08 Position-1
18:41 Position-2
20:36 Position-3
22:10 Position-4
22:40 Position-5
24:11 Position-6
24:48 Position-7
26:46 Position-8
29:42 Position-9 (What to do when there is no way to attack)
30:51 Position-10
31:00 Final winning tactics

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%1$ Comments71

    I muted my youtube notifications because it was too noisy and distracting as there's always a lot of videos getting uploaded…. but it's only for your videos that i go through the notifications list to see if there is any new uploads from you.

    @GMIgorSmirnov At 14:49, is there an overreaching general principle that makes Be4 a bad move? On the surface, it seems to conform to what you are saying, it advances the bishop into opponent's territory and puts pressure on the knight, but according to Stockfish, it's actually worse than the move that you made as a 1600 player (Bf8).

    Over the last 2 years, I have been able to go from 600 to 800!!!

    Can you do a video on how to play as black on your second move in the Englund gambit after white did not take the e.4 pawn

    13:33 rd1xd5, black can't take the rook with the queen because because of be2 – c4

    13:36 I'm 1000s. As white, I would like to play Rxd5, attacking the Queen, and discovery check idea.

    This video was really helpful and interesting because it showed the difference in thought processes between a club player and a master. The club player is more inclined to be passive and defensive, whereas the master looks for opportunities to move forward and attack his opponent and put him under pressure.

    For the puzzle Rxd5, threatening the Queen and a revealed check. If Qxd5: Bc4 pins and wins the Queen. If Be6: Rxd7, BxB3, Rxd8, Rxd8 and axb3, white is up a bishop and a pawn. If Qf7, Bc4, Be4, Rxd8, Bxc4, Rxf8+, Kxf8, Qxc4, white is up a Rook and a pawn.

    I really need an Alekhine defense video from Igor

    Thank you, Igor – you taught so much in a short time.
    I saw a documentary about Viktor Korchnoi preparing for for a tournament by giving up smoking and drinking, and doing some exercise. He didn't win, so I'll never make that mistake 🙂

    for the puzzle move is Rxd5 then Qxd5 then Bc4 pinning the queen to the king

    I would take with the tower on d5. If the queen take, go on e4 or f3, bishop c4. If the queen go somewere else, discover check and still taking the queen with the rook and maybe even the rook if the queen go to c8

    Can you make a video on all the Chess tactics and rules before 2000. I love your content.

    ► Chapters

    00:00 GM Igor Smirnov's Rating Climb

    00:08 Game-1 (1600 ELO level Igor)

    00:45 Position-1 (Wrong Thinking Process)

    02:01 Right Thinking Process

    06:00 Position-2

    07:27 Position-3

    08:59 Tip: To take is a mistake

    10:25 Maintain the tension

    12:31 Position-4

    13:27 Puzzle of the day

    13:57 Position-5

    16:33 Game-2 (My first win against a GM)

    17:08 Position-1

    18:41 Position-2

    20:36 Position-3

    22:10 Position-4

    22:40 Position-5

    24:11 Position-6

    24:48 Position-7

    26:46 Position-8

    29:42 Position-9 (What to do when there is no way to attack)

    30:51 Position-10

    31:00 Final winning tactics

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