The Egg

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%1$ Comments475

    Why would you play g twice? Why double move the g pawn and not advance two squares in one move? eg

    If you're going to move your pawn to g3 and afterwards to g4, why don't you just move it from the beginning to g4? what is the idea of losing that tempo?

    There could be a "food items" opening repetoire consisting of the EGG opening and an extreme CABBAGE gambit.

    Who knew tilt could lead to this masterpiece (real ones know)

    Instead of e3, g3, g4 imagine e3, g4,

    Egg Defense: Accelerated Cooking

    Can we call a variation of the opening where white does for a Gambit "The egg Gambit: Humpty Dumpty"

    I'm inspired. Time to lose 15 games in a row getting my Egg scrambled 😂

    here i present: The Boiled Egg Opening, based off the egg opening. Starts with
    1. b3(B for boiled), e5
    2. e3, d5
    3. g3, Nf6
    4. h3, Bc5 or Bd6
    5. g4 (Completing the boiled egg and giving you two fienchetto bishops to work with.

    Cool video – so what next, a "cabbage" opening? 😉

    Egg opening explained
    Opening: e, g, g
    Result gg my friend, I lost

    I lol so hard at vids like this. I’m a 1200, so by virtue, think like a 1200. When levy’s like “hope he doesn’t find Qc2” I just laugh and be like, of course not lol. There’s nooooo chance 🤣🤣🤣🤣. To be fair, at least there’s the benefit of the doubt thought it might be found.

    🎉 congrats 4 million subscribers!!!

    I was fully expecting the introduction of a new chess piece, called the "egg", and depicted by (you guessed it!) an egg.

    I started playing the egg and I finally achieved 1000 ELO (Previously was just 1500) Thanks Levy!

    Egg is for plebs. Winning with the BEACHCAFE opening is the ultimate Gigachad flex.

    The egg looks like an open Sicilian with white. At least that s my 800 elo knowledge:)

    This popped up in my recommendations right next to Mumbo, Grian, and Docs egg episodes lol

    Are we all agreed the cow came before the egg?

    I'd love to be able to see what a 2600+ player does against The Egg

    I’m 1500 and I just played rapid with the egg. I’m fucked up

    i saw somebody play this opening… get got mate in 7'ed cuz he was lost as shi after move 3

    That 3rd dude was def hacking lol bro playing the stockfish lines

    Just got out of a collar bone surgery and the first thing I did as I got home was open up you tube to see if you posted a vid and you did not disappoint

    Levy really delivered an Egg in this video.

    YouTube told that here were a lot of crusher21‘s

    The h pawn mid egg is for heat. Cooked egg opening

    When I saw the thumbnail, I thought of levy saying „and in this position, he sacrificed… THE EGG

    In the EGG-opening you don’t give checks, you give CHEGGS.

    I don't understand, why white would play g3 and g4, loosing a tempo. Why not just play 1.g4 followed by e3?

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