The Fall of Hans Niemann
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Hans was cooking good so GG
Levy never fails Hans to fail clickbaiting his failures.
The goatee is getting out of hand bro
Gotham Chess previously: Magnus Magnus Magnus mangoose
Gotham Chess now: Hans Hans Hans Hans Hans Hans
Hans will be the nr 1 player in the world one day!
Hi Levy, since I went to see you in Conway I racked up the courage to participate in some serious chess. I joined a new club! Yesterday I played my first classical chess game. I played a brilliant knight sacrifice and a rook sacrifice too. Had my opponent on the ropes the entire game but sadly blundered perpetual. Usually I am nervous because of my autism but I was so proud of my game I just want to say thanks for introducing me to this wonderful game and I hope to be playing you one day (I beat two NMs in rated bullet games I'm catching up!)
I love it when levy goes from blankly staring into a corner to saying "hello ladies and gentlemen" and putting hans niemann in his title
He could've trolled with after re1 nd6 nxe5 nxb5 and you lose your queen
Chess youtubers making a video without mentioning Hans Niemann, Kramnik or Magnus: Level IMPOSSIBLE
Levy never fails to feature a best-selling author in his channel
My fav narcissist on YouTube ❤
The clickbait lore deepens…
"A peg has been put" interesting 🤔
Levy never fails to promote scam services
Levy never fails to disappoint!
Slava Ukraini!
I liked my own comment.
He is actually quite funny I think. Good work!
419th like on the video.
Always looking at his stare at the beginning in the video💀