The Fastest Checkmate Explained

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%1$ Comments148

    What if my opponent knows how to play ches

    What is he move his Queen 😜🤔😂😂😂

    name of the game please? my chessboard is missing some pawns..😢

    "How to be an idiot" Is more accurate title for this

    How to defend these move..
    In case my watches these video 😮

    Bro everyone go for the ♟ prawn not horse

    As a beginner, i used the first checkmate not knowing it was already created

    Плохо когда ты новичок и сыграешь против рейтинга с выше 400 и отбывает у тебя до короля и у тебя желаний не будет сыграть больше шахматы 😂😂😂

    I asked my friend to play chess, and i accidentally did the second one, and he doesnt want to play anymore

    Rarely do chess players open themselves up like that.

    What if ater pushing bishop another component pushes it's queen to us… 😅😅

    Playing scholar's mate should land you in chess prison

    The first checkmate is known as the fools mate (cus a fool is getting checkmated)

    i tried the second move but the king just killed me
    it a lie but the firs one is correct

    Trump is playing chess but checkers. Trump will checkmate in 2025

    I never lucky never been fools mated. But scholar mate is something I used to do and have been hit with from different variations of it

    Dumbest and fast checkmate for white is. e4,E4,queen h5,king E7,queen e5 checkmate. 3 moves. for white.

    Me: Hehehe
    Opponent: plays different move
    Me: wait what-

    I've done that before by fluke once. I met my ex-girlfriend's family and her brother challenged me in chess, stating he's pretty good at it. I beat him in two moves. I had no idea how I did it, honestly lol. But we played again and he beat me pretty quickly.

    Why would you want to checkmate like that? (You lose the Queen?)

    What if they keep using queen now what

    I played my brother and smoked him in this exact 2 moves 😂

    I did the second one but the king takes my queen I thought that isn't allowed ?

    Can anyone offer some guidance for me? I did this move, aligned my Queen and took the same position for a checkmate, but the King just moved and took out the Queen. I’ve seen other moves where the opponent will do the same to me and the game is won..



    I did the first checkmate in the vid today.

    There's also mate in 3 after e4 e5 qh5 ke7 qxe5#

    How do you defend the last one though if this happens to you?

    How come the king can’t attack the queen in the second one?

    I have play 3 game in my life and check mat like this

    Warning: anyone above 400 can make you regret attacking in the last method and destroy you
    Watch out

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