The Fastest Wins In Magnus Carlsen’s Career

These are The Fastest Wins In Magnus Carlsen’s Career


not ludwig 😉

%1$ Comments196

    subscribe if you don't want Magnus to mate you!

    I have a question, do you by any chance have another channel called Dr Insanity because you sound JUST like him

    You should learn how to pronounce fide if you're going to run a chess channel at least have some idea of what you're talking about……

    Video of Magnus is super dope if you mute it and don't listen to the f*cling commentator

    I'm still a bit new to chess but in the first one couldn't the other guy have killed magnus's pawn with his bishop because can't bishops move and kill backwards?

    ALMOAST winning every game keyword imposing he lost to a magnificent figure named: Anatoly Karpov

    The fack is a Super GM? Goku's 2nd form? 😂

    Is that first chess board plugged into a palm pilot or something? Isn't that a Palm Pilot cord coming out the upper left?

    I didn't stop time but I think they play a bit faster than me 😉 … totally insane…

    Please don't say "Fight"-Master. It is pronounced "Fee-dah". And it is not "Act-the-steeeeen". He is Norwegian. It is "Ugg-ten-sh-tine"

    I watch these videos pretending I know what they are talking

    Jesus what an annoying voice. How did you listen to this and think it was passable? That's the reason why you sit below 100k subs with 1 year old videos with almost 10M views.

    Bill Gates? C'mon 500 elo? For real? also it was against 3 opponents and some charity event or something.

    Magnus is probably some ancient strategist reincarnation xD.

    I think it's comical that Magnus is playing black against Bill Gates

    I wonder if Biden knows how to even play this game??????

    Bro called bill gates the richest person in the world💀

    Dude doesn’t know who Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos is with his constant “Bill gates the richest man in the world” comments.

    Why play a GM with a clock? You are handicapping yourself from the jump

    Most impressive is when he played against 12 harvard prosessors same time without see the chessboards, so he had to remeber every piece of every game simultaniusly… and still won over them all 🙂

    u dont count increments in this video series…pure shit content…from a checkered pov

    Anyone else watching this having no idea what’s happening but is still being interested

    Bill gated : im richest
    Elon musk: if say it another time i will buy you

    Thanks magnus for putting your foot through some chicken sounds Indian

    Unpleasant to watch as so fast not understandable. I am not impressed!

    moves one pawn "ah i see you're trying the rubberduck shlongingus horsefellow defense, that's a bad move"

    Magnuses trick is always knocking over and around the chess pieces this at high level for the opposition detracts that instant thought line…

    I started playing chess a few days ago, it's insane how fast they're placing pieces around the board!! what the hell!!!

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