The Fastest Wins In Magnus Carlsen’s Career

These are The Fastest Wins In Magnus Carlsen’s Career


not ludwig 😉

%1$ Comments196

    You could have 10 minutes, and Magnus could have like 30 seconds and he would still beat you

    It’s not what you do,it’s how you do it.(I have played Chess for 60 years).I
    would say the Game is decided in the first ten moves.❤️.

    Being that good at anything would be amazing. Wow!

    Calling Karjakin a chess player, is like calling Lada a proper car. Nothing works.

    Does anyone know what the point of the clock is? It doesn't seem to have any relevance to the game of Chess.

    Them and me they said it was the white man

    I should fear public verrader it's my matics calcula

    Wonderfull ha isn't it

    anyone: castles
    magnus: i'm about to ruin this man's whole career

    Him playing Bill Gates is just money. There's no challenge for Magnus there. Of course, it's a short battle.

    Game in the thumbnail is not in the video!

    5:14 Bill Gates hasn’t been the richest man in the world since 2010

    @ 5:11 Magnus beating a guy whoose rating maybe less than 800. what does that proves ??

    This man is a beast. I love watching him play , its truly amazing.

    You think Bill Gates is the richest man alive? Wow you need to do some research.

    Wtf of editing, stop moving the board around.

    just want to tell you Jesus can save us all he can fill that empty spot in our life he save me now am free❤️✝️

    The clock resets to 3 minutes every time you hit the button.

    I think Chuck Norris can beat Magnus…twice…with one move

    Great video, just wanted to say that bill gates isn't the richest man alive, actually not even top 5. At the moment, the richest person tends to fluxuate between Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bernard Arnault. Figured I would just say in case anyone was interested.

    it's not a "free pawn" when your knight taking it is captured !

    Why did the last guy move his queen there and didn't take the bishop?

    5:00 Actually winning for white, but Magnus knows that Bill is a new player and decides to set up traps instead of playing how he normally does.

    4:57 "the position is completely lost"
    do research next time bud if Gates makes the right move (moving the rook out) then its +3 for white

    It wasn't a win against VD. It was a draw through mutual agreement.

    Hi guys I am a nobody somewhere in Africa , but I'm not impressed. Please help arrange a game for me against this guy. I honestly think I can take this guy

    I think Bill Gates used the Epstein open

    Bro pronounces pawn as porn😂😂lol 😂😂😂

    No offense intended, but whoever edited this video should give the money back and seek a new line of work.

    Drinking game: take a shot every time this video says the name "Magnus"

    Sergei probably too busy thinking of the flowers he was going to pick out for Putin.

    Seems like opponents thinking just sinks them further into Magnus' traps.

    5:00 This is the programmer who thinks he's so smart that he should control you and the world's destiny.

    This is why Norway is superior. Our homeland shall be deemed worthy someday

    What is it with the first match clock. Staring at 3:02 and then going up and down. Are there seconds added?

    Dont worry bill gates will get him next time ,,not in chess but his vaccines ,,checkmate..

    @Classical – By the way the thumbnail wallpaper you put on this video stating 6.17 seconds against Vidit Gujarati was Fastest game of draw.
    Its really stupid to think that the whole is as stupid like yourself. 😉

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