The Magnus Carlsen Gambit

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%1$ Comments706

    I tried that gambit, unfortunately im no Carlsen.

    If you were coaching me and I rearranged the king and the queen, would you call me a genius?

    im guessing magnus learned from tacticboy's gambits

    on lichess he played entire titled arenea's like this.

    It's more like the Magnus castle instead of gambit…no?

    This shows that openings don't matter that much. As long as you know the principles, focusing on tactics and strategy helps increase elo. I didn't study any openings and went from 1000 to 1500 OTB elo

    Remember Magnus never played Frank.

    This feels like the equivalent of watching the gladiator in front of you take on the champion and after watching the champion toy with him for a few minutes, brutally put him down. Then you step up. I totally get why International and grandmasters play poorly against him.

    Ladies and gentlemen: Magnus Carlson 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    I mean it might be a actually Gambit who nobody in the universe doesn't understand

    is nobody considering that magnus plays so unconventionally, that given his own, and his opponents' knowledge of the game, he's still at an advantage, just, in an entirely foreign position?

    Can We Call It As "GOAT Humiliation Gambit"?

    I don't think Haaland is in the GOAT debate yet
    He is a machine tho

    I am pretty sure I watched these games on Magnus's Livestream long time ago on Lichess Tournament.

    Wonder how sad he is not being unable to use his full player

    That King-Walk shuffling was literally THE MOST DISRESPECTFUL thing i can see in chess, and the fact that it was done to a GM😂😂😂😂
    GOAT Carlsen🔥🔥

    magnus toying with his opponents like haaland toys with defenders

    Pity the name "Dr disrespect" is already taken.

    I FOUND THE TACTIC. tbf i only found it after seeing the eval bar but i did see it without calculating it was first thing i looked at and just looked right then i checked and boom. very happy 😂😂.

    If anybody interested first game is IM Ilja Schneider 😀

    This isn't a gambit, he just let Carlos Magnusson play the first few moves

    Can anyone explain me why age matters to become a GM.
    Or is it that levy is so bad.

    Ain't no way he just said Haaland is the greatest player of all time

    The carlsen d rinding is over the top levy

    gotham nerfed his voice in this video like magnus nerfs himself

    Yes, he was drunk when he was playing these games! It must be incredible to be so good at something to just start out, not caring

    I don't know why but "the Magnus Carlsen gambit" sounds kinda naughty

    FIDE should introduce a new title called Great Grand Master just for Magnus

    At 15:00 I was thinking, "no, he isn't. Is he?" And then proceeded to laugh so hard I was crying as Magnus did exactly that.

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