The SECRET To Stop Blundering Your Pieces In Chess
In this video I explain a method to stop blundering your pieces in chess. I use it all the time, and I think everyone else should too, especially in the lower ratings. This is episode 2 of my speedrun to 2000 and in this episode I’m rated 500. Hope you enjoy the video 🙂
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#annacramling #chess #educational
Anna, I enjoy your videos tremendously. Gracias
she has a big smile. large. I wish my smile was large 🙁
Best chess lesson I have seen so far on youtube. I like your smile, very shiny. Well done Anna, subscribed. Also, what is the name of the opening that you used?
Dime piece……………..
Anna this is one of the best teaching videos I have ever seen. Every grade school and early high school chess kid should see this.
I love your enthusiasm. You inspire my playing. You are amazing. I enjoyed the video with your mom acting like a beginner in new York I think it was. 😀
Thanks for the video
This is crazy sensible macro strategy advice. Thank you for that.
So helpful! Thank you for the education, well done!
*Correction. If you’re watching this video there’s a 99% chance its because you’re hot.
this explains why I lose every game – I'm actually playing against pros making youtube videos
This oponent is not 511. He must be at least 1500.
Blundy McBlunderson
"You only sacrifice the queen if your going to win the game." RZA Wu Tang Clan (after he lost his girl because of his dedication to his music) also I think the word you were looking for was Shinannigans (not sure how to spell it lol)
One of your best videos, Anna. It's helpful to hear how you think through the game. I'm going to keep watching this series.
You play too defensively if you always protect pieces sometimes attacking for a trade is good especially if it threatens a possible mate.
13 36 word is shanagins
Your pawn was defending the queen black could gave taken knight
At 2 51, black should have played knight or bishop to g4 instead of pawn move. Or bishop to e4. Attack and hope you blunder. Just as you are doing to him.
First time ever watching one of your videos, this is so well-presented and useful. I'm gonna beat my partner in chess now lol. Plus I can't believe how casually you're letting that clock tick down. Just talking calmly as it gets down to 17 seconds, then down to 4 seconds in the endgame. You opponent must have thought you were giving up.
I have been hovering around 500 for a long time in 10 min games. This video seems like sound advice, but the first game I played after watching the video went horribly wrong for me.
1. e4 d5 2. f3 d4 3. c3 e5 4. d3 dxc3 5. b3 Nf6 6. Nxc3 Nh5 7. g4 Nf4 8. Be2 Ng2+ 9. Kf2 Nf4 10. Qd2 Qh4+ 11. Kf1 Bxg4 12. fxg4 Bc5 13. d4 Bxd4 14. Nf3 Qf2# {0-1}
That was brilliant to watch. I liked how you were explaining your tact and practising it, and showing the realness of your underlying principle. You were right! I'll have to give that a try, and I should definitely watch more of your educational videos . Thank you 🙂
Thank you.
the art of talking for 16 minutes nonstop without actually saying a thing. Jesus f Christ.
Very instructive! Thanks
It's amazing how you play AND talk throughout the whole video in a way that's easy and relatable for amateurs to comprehend, but also ended up winning against an opponent who played well 🔥great content
I would ask her a question….
But she apparently never responds so I won't bother.
The word is Shenanigans – it's a great word! Thanks for the excellent lesson.
The word is shenanigans, very instructive video
13:17 shenanigans
That's nice, but what we really want to know is how to get your hair to look like that. Asking for a friend.
I dont get it.. but you're pretty
I call that "discovery check" a skewer! It's much more dramatic.
16 minutes to explain 1 trick??
“Crazy shinanigins”
Thanks coach!
What’s the lowest number rank in chess? That’s me! Anyway, great and simple beginner tutorial!
Lol U good at explaining!
I don't tyou can reduce it to one rule how to not blunder.
Thank you! 🎉
Great video with some awesome advice, Anna! You are a natural, clear teacher. I will be watching many more and learning so much. Thank you!
This was great! The game didn't take very long and yet we were able to experience the opening, middle game and end game seeing how you defended your pieces while still attacking. Thanks!😀
Man that clock is giving me anxiety 💀
this is great and really easy to follow and understand advice! nothing crazy, just solid methodical play
The thumbnail makes it look like she's topless. What a pitiful way to attract views. If you're so desperate for $$$, just suck cock on camera; probably pays better.
Jag reflekterade över den här videon och vann sedan emot min tredje högst rankade motståndare i blitz inom 20 minuter. 🎉
Can you please coach me please?
13:18 – shenanigans?
The old saying in chess is, the winner is the player who makes the last mistake but one.
This was really awesome. Love the commentary. Thanks!