The SECRET To Stop Blundering Your Pieces In Chess

In this video I explain a method to stop blundering your pieces in chess. I use it all the time, and I think everyone else should too, especially in the lower ratings. This is episode 2 of my speedrun to 2000 and in this episode I’m rated 500. Hope you enjoy the video 🙂

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%1$ Comments516

    That 500 played someone like 1000 points above them

    If chess we're that simple not to blunder everyone would be GMs

    Devon Maloy, TerribleThillsComics,LotusintheDepths says:


    So is every 500 player, a real life 2000+ player, trying to make a video


    Anna’s pieces were all protected until she moved the A1 rook leaving two ponds unprotected. Is this typically seen as okay?

    “Never ever place your piece on the square where it’s not defended”, – gets zillion views!!!!!

    Sorry Anna, I am a chess coach and like a lot of your content, but this is dangerous teritorry.

    There is an inherent flaw in your logic, Anna. The point is that Defenders can be eliminated via capture…thereby leaving the supposedly defended piece actually exposed ! Always look for ways to eliminate your opponents 'defender' pieces ! Then after they recapture, attack what they were defending.

    No sirve de nada que le digas a alguien con 500 de Elo que tenga paciencia porque su rival va a cometer un error ¿Sabes por qué? Porque alguien con 500 de Elo no ve dónde están los errores, de hecho él mismo los comete y no sabe que los comete. Por eso los speed runs no enseñan nada a alguien que no tiene ni 1500, porque lo básico que le muestras ya lo sabe, y lo más complejo que le muestras no llega a comprenderlo porque tal vez ni siquiera se sentó a ver un libro sobre el tema.
    Para lo único que sirve un speed run es para demostrar que con tus +2000 puedes vencer fácilmente a cualquier con menos de 2000, esto no se llama enseñar, esto es simple vanidad…

    I blunder everytime i think about you anna! 🤣😂😻🌷🌼🌺🌹🏵🌸💐💘💝💖💞💕❤‍🩹♥❤

    Wow! You're mentoring your subscribers and at the same time actually playing against an opponent?!

    I just played like you suggested, got smothered then check mated 🙁

    Do not! take the bishop in the london! That is a blunder!

    How is the clock suddenly adding seconds at the end???

    Anna, the word you are looking for is "shenanigans".

    Potter 641
    Great ending!

    The word what you were looking for is shenanigans

    Against time running out, i was really curious about the climax. Happy ending felt good

    I think she is a stand user. how does she explain without stuttering and playing at the same time, without being bothered by the timer lmao this is amazing

    your opponent was a GM with a brand new account or what??? 😂

    Is this really 400 ELO chess? He is playing more like an 800 – 900

    really fun to watch. Makes sense to me. Most entertaining presentation.

    opponent is the best 500 player I've ever seen

    That was very enlighting, thanks Anna!

    great video…. I really enjoy the instructional videos

    Appreciate all the tips, my wife will be mad when I use this tactic. 🙂

    I am a methodical deliberate person who reads lots of history. I don't care about becoming a grandmaster. I am older and not a clever person. Chess is supposed to be based upon warfare. I understand development is important. But if chess is like warfare, then a good chess player, like a good general, should create simple process or mechanical system like a "mincing machine" for a war of attrition using aggressive defensive tactics only until your opponent is ground down to next to nothing with you only left enough to barely win or force a stalemate. I like to play the hypo defense because I can remember it. I have watched lots of videos on the hypo defense. After development from the early middle game onward you should be able to play "hungry hypo defense." You should be able to develop a defensive system to simply castle, guard your king with all your important pieces and then thwart all your opponent's attacks. The concept of using defensive tactics only to grind up your opponent is simple but very difficult to put into practice.

    Think about what good General's have done in history with defensive tactics. General Falkenhayn ground up the French Army with artillery attacks at the Battle of Verdun in the 1916 but the battle was a stalemate. Marshall Zhukov ground up the German Army at Stalingrad with urban defensive tactics in 1942. General Westmoreland used his Marines as bait guarding an airstrip to grind up North Vietnamese divisions with heavy artillery barrages and air strikes. These generals in history made defensive tactics work. However, it appears chess is more about being a "clever person" than trying to be careful, methodical, and creating a defensive system for attrition so a weaker opponent can force a stalemate against a much stronger opponent. I have for a long time tried to always guard my pieces just like you described but at higher levels defensive tactics don't work. However, in warfare defensive tactics based on attrition work very well.

    2:47 Why is a6 a specific good move here? is it because it sets up defence with b7 against Bxa6? (Hope my notations are correct)

    I watched tons of chess videos, this was one of the very best ones. Thank you! 🙂

    I am impressed how even being a woman, she is intelligeng. Rare

    And 355k people came here to learn about chess than to levy

    I'm only amateur and not much good at that, but I don't agree with the position at 13.10 – you say the knight is defended, but there's nothing to stop the black rook from taking it. If you would have to retake with your white rook, and then the black king would take you.
    Black would then be a pawn up, with only pawns left, and could possibly even queen the pawn of B5?

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