The TRICKIEST Chess Opening Ever! [Top 3 Traps]

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🔹 The BEST Chess Opening Against 1.e4 – Every Move is a Trap! –
🔹 The BEST Chess Opening Against 1.e4 | TRAPPIEST Gambit for Black –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you the top 3 traps from one of the most trickiest chess openings for Black, the Rousseau Gambit from the Italian Game. It arises after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 f5.

Playing this dubious opening is so tricky. It will be extremely difficult for your opponents to figure out the right moves. There are so many traps and pitfalls, and one little inaccuracy by White can cost the game for them!

► Chapters

00:00 Trickiest Chess Opening: Rousseau Gambit
00:39 Trap-1: 5…d5 line
03:16 Brilliant queen trap
03:46 Trap-2: If White plays 4.d3 instead of 4.exf5
06:30 The f-pawn’s journey to promotion
07:29 Trap-3: If White plays 4.d4 instead of 4.exf5
09:28 Understanding how Black is better
10:23 Knight maneuver wins the game for Black
11:42 If White plays Nxh8

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#GMSmirnov #ChessGambit #ItalianGame #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps

%1$ Comments258

    been playing for 20 years and 1700 rating, never knew this, thanks

    Hi Igor, what advice would you give if after f5-d3 , Bc5-Kc3??

    Igor @2:45 doesn’t knight to e5 instead of d4 trap the queen immediately without needing to involve the bishop?

    Guys, just note one thing. In the Ng5 line, white can draw the game by playing the move c3 with a three fold repetition by playing Qa4.

    I trying playing this gambit n get panic hahaha

    Learned a lot, but you said the only move for Q in 2:30 is G6 when F4 is actually a safe square. That's where I would've gone.

    These patterns only work if your opponent does what you're doing. If they Playoff, it does not work.

    What about after bishop c5 white plays bishop g7

    I swear I played kings gambit so long that I created that opening myself. Now everyone is learning it.

    I love your videos, they are very interesting, educative and entertaining. Please continue.

    Today only one tried this with me got mated in less than 30 moves so don't endorse any traps before understanding all the possible ideas.

    simple Q I seen your masterclass and lot of your video's but one thing does puzzle me. I like lot of openings fe but are useless because i have player against that willing to sac his bishop for knight, lot of games fall apart, you do control middelbord but miss the knight then to defent it and leter to make some danger even tho he sact his bishop, you can half secure your king to put on other color and in need force a stale mate. but how to respond if knight is taken

    Am amazed at how good a position this gambit gives black even if a quick win is not forthcoming.

    Today I play chess but no one came that way. 😒

    Around the 7min mark you say, white cannot capture because then black captures the rook. But white already has captured black's rook so how is the rook capture the end for white? Seems that white can accept the rook loss and then evade.

    Getting afraid of playing chess because thinking too much and time run out very often.

    ECO says its unsound gambit. Good for 1700s only

    A huge thank you Sir Igor, Rosseau Gambit really helped me climb up ratings ❤

    Good I learn a lot in this video thanks sir for guiding

    I've played chess for decades and like to teach according to my own views. I play the player not the pieces. If you want to figure out the moves, then first figure out the person and their moves are easy to predict. To me playing chess is like playing poker. It isn't the cards that win you the game. Basic strategy I call the cross. If you want to win the game you need to control the game. While anything is possible I play to control the central cross of 2 files wide around the center. If you control the center, you control the game. If you control the game you hold the initiative. I spent months in my room perfecting the middle battle. To break it you only have a limited number of options that lead to predictable outcomes. Knowing this they are easily countered. It is an attrition style but the losses of your foe of major pieces will favor you in the end game.

    Stockfish level 5 is smarter than your gambit. But it was fun to play.

    What would happen if after …g2 white instead responds with Ke2 or Kd2? The succeeding black moves will just smoke him out but there’s no mating threat and the white queen captures the promoted pawn preventing black from getting two queens. Black would be one piece down, could even become two piece down when Bxg8, in the end.

    GM Igor, this is really a deadly opening as Black can be brutal. Thanks for sharing.

    Unfortunately, none of my opponents followed these moves for white and I lost all games with this gambit 🙁

    after black pawn advance to E4, why doesn't white just play QE2?

    I hate the way you are speaking. You don't know how to teach the chess moves. It looks like Police is behind you.

    Thank you Igor, I have tried your tricks and it wonderful.

    After 4 d4 fxe4 5 Nxe5 d5 instead of 6 Bb3 I think a stronger move might be 6 Bb5 and 6…Qd6 may save Black with accurate play.

    At 9:29 after knight takes d4 if white plays bishop g4 attaching my knight how should I reply pls reply

    Tx. Situations actually happen a lot in blitz gamex.

    The knight moved anticlockwise. I loved it. I defe

    Many of your recommendations are great. But, they do not cover all the scenarios and I have noted people in my rank zone (~1200-1300) are able to counter these moves at times with scenarios not covered by you.

    But, can't deny your videos are very helpful 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us.

    At 2:33, there is another space for the queen to move to, f4.

    This gambit makes me laugh with joy ! Played it against a bot rated 2000 – won in 11 moves – remarkable for me !

    I love it and have to remember these steps to give it a go 😁💪👍

    4:17 Why wouldn't he just take your pawn? And then protect that pawn with another one

    my rating was 1200+ after applying trcks tips my rating become 1000+ 😂😂😂

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