The Truth About Ding Liren
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You should do a vid that shows in-depth how to break down middlegame positions, using the following 7 examples – they are common positions which arise after 8.5 moves for the given openings.
What should white's plan be?
What should black's plan be?
What is black's best move, and what is white's response?
rn1qk2r/1p2bppp/p2pbn2/4p3/4P3/1NN1BP2/PPPQ2PP/R3KB1R b KQkq – 2 9
Ruy Lopez:
r1bq1rk1/2p1bppp/p1np1n2/1p2p3/4P3/1BP2N1P/PP1P1PP1/RNBQR1K1 b – – 0 9
r1bq1rk1/pp2nppp/2n1p3/2ppP2Q/3P4/P1PB4/2P2PPP/R1B1K1NR b KQ – 6 9
r2qkb1r/pp1nnp2/2p1p2p/3pPbp1/3P4/1N6/PPP1BPPP/R1BQNRK1 b kq – 1 9
Queen's Indian:
rn1qk2r/p3bppp/bpp1pn2/3pN3/2PP4/1PB3P1/P3PPBP/RN1QK2R b KQkq – 1 9
Queen's Gambit Declined:
r1bq1rk1/pp1n1ppp/2pbpn2/8/2BP4/2N1PN2/PPQ2PPP/R1B2RK1 b – – 0 9
Reti and English:
r1bq1rk1/pp1n1ppp/2pbpn2/8/2BP4/2N1PN2/PPQ2PPP/R1B2RK1 b – – 0 9
My birthday is today🎉 🎂 🎉
Firouzja is our hope
Ding: I didn’t hear no bell
This has to be a Netflix series
Time will tell if this rollercoaster will provide him with enough self-confidence to play more consistent in the future. Ian unfortunately couldn't polish just yet, but he is still an amazing chess player. I bet both those players will face Magnus much more confident in the future.
The greatest come back story in all of sports is LeBron 1-3 on the finals against the warriors
These type of vids are peak Gotham
u just had to say it
Mad respect for Ding. Hikaru had a chance. I was really hoping he would win.
So you deliberately say Dingly Ren? 😀
The greatest comeback story in sports is Terunofuji in sumo
How do i sent you a chest game?
Li Di is Great Value brand of Ding Liren
My engine says Levi will get 4mil subs on the 5th of July
Mad respect to Ding Liren and huge congratulations! All chess players of this day and age have something to learn from this man, in chess or in life. Truly inspiring resilience and humble personality.
Last game is very fishy. Needs to be investigated
there are very few moments where you can feel the emotion off someone in a sporting event, but with Ding, it radiated eminently. there comes a point where the intensive focus he put on the game was so locked in, you realize you're not just witnessing a chess game anymore, you're witnessing the battle of a lifetime. he didnt react at all played Rg6, he didnt need to waste energy doing that. he just had to put every ounce of commitment into the position in front of him and in that rising star's moment, Ian trembled at the courage and sheer willpower Ding Liren had. completely thrown off guard, Ian tried his best but had no clue what to expect as Ding turned the board into his play area, and expertly maneuvered the pieces as a moving army of their own. the flashbacks of his life hit him all at once, building up inside, yet, he still refuses to react, until Ian finally resigns, knowing his efforts would ultimately be futile. Ding then broke down crying. tears of joy. but not just joy. relief. pride. respect. he wasn't just the World Chess Champion in that moment, he was a tired man, who earned the right to rest with a crown on his head
Documentary worth making.
Thanks for the great content
China will win and everything they do because it's got the support of the liberal West. They praise socialism, and communism
Chess shouldn't be involved with politics.
why does he look like a frog
Remember the only reason we have this champion is because this title means nothing to Magnus 😅
It's like everything has been staged, I still think Ian is a better player. Don't get me wrong dang this is a fantastic player as well.
I'm so happy for ding, I was rooting for him since I heard Rapport was his 2nd, He helped Ding create some creative masterpieces, legends
Banning a dude from chess for speaking out against the US war machine is absurd, found my new favorite player, and I’m not even Russian.
Good for Ding but I feel for nepo, he is so good but ends up losing the tournaments. Rooting for him
Was it blitz? Why are you rushing through the games and ditching the overreactive commentary?
I was hoping for ding to win when all this started, and when he lost on time and won the second last long format game in the end because of ian's massive blunder,
I thought nah, ding doesn't deserve this, but still wanted him to win,
And then in the last game, when he made that move with 1:23, and won against ian who plays soo well on low time,
At that moment i was convinced he deserves this.
He went from losing under time pressure in world championship to winning it under the time pressure,
Now that is what a world champion is meant to be.
Thanks levi for the whole story
btw you talk too much
The first story telling from gotham, correct me if i am wrong,
And he nailed it💯
If you reflect on this match, Ding is an expert exponent of Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War ".
I wanted Ian to win 😢
Ding Loren lore
The video vas first caled the story of ding liren
Also, can you do a back story video about Ian sometime?
Did he just call chess a sport???? 0:37
There is no greater comeback story than DWG winning worlds 2022.
Ding deserves an anime series for this
Why you no say DIng Chillin
Another MASSIVE What If? What if Karjakin never got banned?
Kinda hard to call this the greatest comeback given that he got pretty lucky with the Magnus retiring and not only was that lucky it cheapened the value of his victory given that he didn’t have to beat the best chess player in the world and of all time.
Never give up
I was supporting ding but when I saw the way Ian looked at the trophy and the pieces falling off his side of the board I genuinely felt sad it was completely heartbreaking