GM Daniel Naroditsky is BACK to react to YOUR WORST chess advice! We asked you to send us your WORST chess advice and you didn’t let us down!

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%1$ Comments103

    Hey guys, I just clicked on this video to say, why is the thumbnail so gay looking? What the hell is wrong with you people?
    Anyways I'm going to remove this from my view history and block your channel now. Try not being such douchebags.

    dam Danya didnt even drop his own twitch or youtube at the end

    I don't think that's how Eric Rosen meant that. But glad to see it works like that too

    Pretty sure Rosen refers to his own blunders there. Like: I lost a piece but maybe there's some line that has opened up for me

    I think the Rosen “Treat every blunder like a gambit” was misunderstood, it was more about when you make a mistake or blunder to treat it as if it was a gambit and intentional all along and play on

    4:32 I frequently refer to chess principles when I am lost in a position. I don't understand the complexities, or the pawn structure, or the value of an attack. When I struggle to find a plan I think about principles for inspiration.

    That or play h4.

    I think Eric Rosen's advice was also about your own blunders. If you make a blunder, instead of getting tilted, try to see if maybe your blunder opened up some new options for yourself, therefore making it a "gambit" of sorts.

    What about Eric's "its hard for black to win any additional minor pieces because white doesn't have any"

    You are useless website you closed my diamond account without any reason i will move to lichess as you don’t respect the chess community

    Thank You for the video, I appreciate it. I'll give you a very brief background of me being me. I'm in my Sixties, I know about chess, played it about Four times throughout my life, and lost every match so I moved on. About Five days ago I came across a few videos of three wonderful young chess players called Tweedledum, Tweedledee, and Alice, and it sparked my interest in Chess so I decided to create an account on the chess website.

    On one of my videos I was nicknamed Martin (250) by a commenter, and I laughed simply because I am like Martin in many ways. Yes in the world of chess I'm a newborn, but in other areas of gaming I excel. Anyway, It doesn't offend me that I'm called the Human version of Martin simply because of the fact I enjoy playing chess regardless if I win or lose which is how I approach every game I've ever played. I would like to learn more so I can finally play against other players, and again thank You for helping out. Knowing who to go to when you need to know something is very important.

    Take care, and thanks.

    i kindly suggest to add a chess theme based on the app icon, the black pieces can be green, the white pieces can be white.
    yours sincerely, ionel.

    "I dropped 200 points today. I am at rock bottom." Lol, no that's not rock bottom. You can drop another 200 tomorrow. I think the matching algorithm pairs people on a downswing with people on a hot streak, leading to wild swings in rating. That is my impression. If that is not the case, I would be glad to find out.

    I thought "treat every blunder like it was a gambit" is for when I blunder. Like "whoops, hung a pawn, how can I fight back/defend?" rather than rolling over and letting my opponent trade everything down to a winning endgame.

    f6 is a thematic move in the advanced caro, but usually only when a bunch of other moves have been played. It's meant to chip away at whites center, and potentially open up the f-rook after castling.

    In the Scandinavian the Q comes out on move 2 and it's a sound opening.

    The way danya keep looking at his sides while talking feels like he is forced to do this content 😆

    im my opinion the sound is not quite right. Im not sure but i think the bg music is disturbing the video

    Eric's advice to treat every blunder like it's a gambit can also be taken personally, when we make a blunder. So, when we blunder, we should not automatically give up, but treat it as a gambit and try to create some instability in the position.

    6:48 Nxf6 is just game over here. Double check and mate is not far off. The adage remains valid.

    Interesting advice I heard: when you're playing someone who's rated a lot lower than you are, trade down to an endgame. They're more likely to make mistakes in the endgame. Would be curious to hear your thoughts on this

    kinda disappointed it was advice from other GM's 🙄 it would have been much better if it was from TikTok or something like that 😂

    5:00 "control the center" – closed position you open it up because u want to "control the center" and lose material
    "bring your pieces up" can mean anything including Ke2

    Gingergm be like f4 first move (the birds)

    This is a really good video. Well done Danya.

    No bro, it's the other way around with Eric, he means when you blunder a piece treat it as a gambit

    Another thing: I think what Eric Rosen is saying is if you blunder a piece, the best way to play is aggressively to complicate the position to muddy the waters, because if you blunder a piece and just try to defend yourself and be solid, you're going to lose, but if you use the time the opponent takes to capture your piece to create counterplay, you'll have a much better chance of causing them to make a mistake. I have the same mindset. If I blunder very early on in the game, I'm immediately going on the attack to either go for some checkmate or trying to grab as much space on the board as I can or something to make it harder to find the best moves.

    Of course nothing is an absolute here because there are times when you can force mistakes just by being extremely solid with what you have as well, if you can get a better board position and better placed pieces. That can usually make up for at least a point in material in itself.

    I actually had a couple of interesting games where the only way the position made sense was to play F3, but you have to check a lot of boxes before you can even consider that move in the middlegame. For example: if the opponent's dark squared squared bishop is traded off and the queen has no immediate way to take advantage of that diagonal or your king is tucked in the corner, and you have a center pawn you want to chain so you can move your knight to do other things. I checked Stockfish the couple times I played games in those scenarios and it said that it was one of the better moves. I was actually proud of that because usually Stockfish will call you a dumbass for such moves.

    This is an example of where you can't just use chess principles as dogma. I think the better way to look at the principles is to get yourself in positions where following them is the best continuation. It's extremely powerful if you can play moves that control the center, develop your pieces, castle early, good piece activity and the like, but in order to get to these good positions you have to respect your opponent's threats first, and it's not always going to be so easy and simple.

    "Treat every blunder like it's a gambit" is about not tilting, isn't it?

    I spent literally months finding the best move through trial and error (Gucci piano line for example), not learning theory at all. Just make the most logical sense out of the position and playing, and then I get to a point where a child that has studied theory can whoop out 20 moves out of memory. Play every single best move in 1 minute time, not use their brain whatsoever, and get a decent position against you.

    The evan's gambit for example, I never ever ever studied the evan's gambit. I lost hundreds of games on the evan's gambit, I end up playing the stonewall variation (without studying) and I start winning more and more. You know how many games I've lost in the evans gambit trying to find a semi decent line, where someone can literally look up a 3 minute course and dry up the game.

    What's my benefit?
    I can literally play tens of different lines, without any theory and get a decent position, I can play the vienna, find the best move in seconds, with just my brain.

    What's the drawback?
    The fucking time. The time usage, is horrible for me. The time usage kills me.

    So it's fun, but than again it's not so fun.

    This was respectfully done. I was fearing more meme-ing of content creators. It's all uncharted waters.

    I thought that Rosen's advice was related to your own blunders? Like if you hang a piece or blunder a pawn, don't give up or feel down on yourself, but go on with an offensive mentality and look for counterplay and resources.

    Yeah – chess principles – don't like to follow them – and i learned recently – i am right with it – only problem – i am just 3500 elo to low and no supercomputer

    I think you missed the point on Erics advice.

    Treat YOUR OWN blumders as gambits.

    As in, ok, you blumdered, dont get hung up on it, try to make the best of the resultimg position. Try to get some compensation. Even if its positional

    Rules reviewed by the Sensei Himself! ❤

    4:12 "It's like being stuck in the ocean and you're trying to find little pieces of flotsam and jetsam and debris to grab onto … eventually you build yourself a little island in the middle of an ocean."

    That's not chess, Danya, that's Raft. You're describing Raft.

    smirnov's rule is to take is a mistake. You stopped the video to soon

    If Nemo or Anna told me to play f3 I would.

    I think Danya misinterpreted Eric Rosen's "Treat every blunder as a gambit." He means this as one of your own blunders, try and see the benefits (open files etc) rather than assume an opponents blunder is a trick, although this can also be good advice.

    The advice about the queen is something I live by myself there is time and place to attack with the queen just because you do queens gambit doesn’t mean the second move you need to move the queen you need to set the gambit up. Just like also good advice should be you also shouldn’t be dependent on winning because you have a queen sometimes queen trades benefit your tactical position sometimes the queen trade may benefit your opponent but you should be able to win games without your queen

    Regarding GMs being human and making mistakes: one of the first popular chess channels on Twitch and YouTube is @ChessNetwork. He's a US National Master. His most popular video is him legitimately falling for scholar's mate and then laughing at it. If an NM can fall for it and laugh it off, it's okay that we sometimes do.

    I don't agree that chess principles are violated to a certain extent. I think they might seemingly be violated but the moves that might be accused of violating them, given that it is actually a good move, are usually only violating them on the surface but are actually just following them on a deeper level. Maybe they are violated but I like to try and fit such moves into a deeper understanding of chess principles rather than considering them something that only stronger players can do. At the end of the day, a good move is a good move with strong logic behind it.

    Edit: I also think Rosen's advice is aimed at one's own blunders rather than the opponent's.

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