This Ancient Technique Tells Your Chess Talent Level

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares a special, ancient technique that will help determine your chess talent level.

He will present an interesting chess puzzle designed to test your thinking skills. Your task is to find the best move and calculate all possible variations. You will also learn how players at different rating levels, from 500 ELO to 2500 ELO, would approach this puzzle.

Test your chess level with this puzzle, see where you currently stand, and learn ways to improve your chess skills.

โ–บ Chapters

00:00 This Puzzle Tells Your Chess Talent Level
00:27 500 ELO Rating Level
00:38ย 800 ELO Rating Level
00:52 1000 ELOย Rating Level
01:24ย 1200 ELO Rating Level
01:47 The Right Way Of Thinking In Chess
04:39 Solving puzzles VS Finding it in real game
05:24 1600 ELO Rating Level
08:08 1800 ELO Rating Level
09:01 2100 ELO Rating Level
10:09 2500 ELO Rating Level

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%1$ Comments47

    I am 2500 ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ but in online chess I just crossed 2800 today๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    It's such a good feeling when u are watching these types of videos and actually guessing all the correct moves ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    I am sweating my balls off trying to calculate all the potential variations and you just say we can stop here white is clearly winning while i am looking for that mate in 12 moves

    My result 2500 In first 30s .. but my elo is 900 rapid ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I can improve my rating but I don't have time and source to study chess opining…

    So my Q is

    Can I study the famous chess opining in month

    My another Q

    Is it necessary to study opining to improve my elo or what i should do?

    Recently i reached 1000 elo and now i am stuck here can someone give me some tips in middle and end games because i blunder always there can someone recommend me tactics for trapping my opponents

    I got 1800, didn't realize the opponent was in zugzwang so didn't get 2100, but thought the queen move looked best just out of intuition so I got 2500 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ but I didn't calculate it so I'll stick with 1800

    Iโ€™m almost 2000 and got 2100 but why would I calculate a queen blunder for 2500 it just seems completely winning so itโ€™s just winning (also I only spent 30 seconds on the puzzle)

    1800. I'm ~1600 daily games and ~1000 blitz (I'm too slow it seems)

    I'm 1036 elo in rapid.but I got 1600 elo rating in this puzzle

    my current rating is 1206, my puzzle rating is 2800 but base on this I am 1600-1800. interesting..

    Damn this thing got me pretty dead on at 1600

    as a 3100 rated in puzzles player i solved it in 3 minutes (im 1500 in rapid)

    Dangg I'm 1922 rated rapid in online , but I got 1800 ๐Ÿ˜‚, I didn't even notice that black was on zugzwang ๐Ÿ˜‚ , I gotta work on my visualisation โค

    I got to 1800 elo, kinda accurate since I'm 1800 rated on rapid so quite good

    at my good days i can play as a 1500 rated, but in bad days i always blunder. And i like your videos about punish unsound openings. Now peoples never play scholars mate or pins my knight. That queen F6 is very interesting. I always go most forward with my pieces so perhaps i would had found that without any calculations.

    My rapid rating is 2400+
    And i solve this 5-10 sec

    Hi, Igor! As I am on my journey for 2200 ELO (Master Level), I have been working on Rook Endgame puzzles. The reason is to enhance my skills in this position.

    I saw Qe5 immediately and then discounted it in favour of hanging the rook. So 500 elo then (1400 in reality). I really love these videos by the way chess is so fucking beautiful.

    1800 but my elo still 1300 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    I did see the check as the best move but i didnt see the best move for black I thought it is a forced checkmate
    But when you told me about the best move for black i only calculated the white winning a pone version
    So i can see my self as 1300 at best

    I am a 3+0 Blitz player with an on-line Blitz rating of Elo 1900-2000 (Elo 2078 is my current pick). In this puzzle I reached Elo 1800.

    Thank you so much Igor and please, bring more of these Elo calculating puzzles!

    All the best,


    In today's inflation, I am 3000 now ๐Ÿ˜…

    ok. so i am a delusional 800. thatโ€˜s fine lol

    1)Kg8 Re8+ QXe8 QXe8+ Kg7 QXd7
    2)Kf8 Qf6:
    a)QXe7 Qh8#
    b)RXe7 Qh8#
    c)Qe8 RXe8+
    d)Kg8 QXf7+ Kh8 QXh7#
    3)Kh6 Qf4+:
    a)g5 Qf6+ Kh5 g4+ Kh4 Qh6#
    b)Kg7 QXf7+:
    I.)Kh8 QXh7#
    II.)Kh6 Qf4+:
    g5 Qf6+ Kh5 g4+ Kh4 Qh6#
    Kh5 Qg4+ Kh6 Qh4#
    4)Kh5 g4+ Kh3 g5+:
    a)KXh3 Qg3#
    b)Kh5 Qg4#

    That's all, what I calculated. I'm 1885 fide.

    2500… But my real elo is 900 ๐Ÿ˜ข

    my rating is 1000 elo and I saw all that until 2500 elo in 1min
    how is that happened !!!!!!

    I am currently 998 rated and I always manage to perform really well in your puzzles, but I don't know why I end up blundering in my games. Please tell me why?

    I love these videos with puzzle with different layers !!

    I got to 1800 on that one
    Being 2000 rapid and 1700 blitz / bullet

    Quite acurate I would say

    I missed that Qf6 move, I thought I had to trade that rook but black actually cant take it, very nice !

    2500๐Ÿ˜.but my real elo right now is 1700+

    I Love Your Videos.And Your Father's Day Discount.Thank You.

    Bullet players laugh in the face of blinders ๐Ÿ˜‚

    hello mr igor
    i am very thankful to you as because of you 1 reached 1200 elo from 600 elo in 3 months

    I wanna see games played by youu in the tournaments

    โ–บ Chapters

    00:00 This Puzzle Tells Your Chess Talent Level

    00:27 500 ELO Rating Level

    00:38 800 ELO Rating Level

    00:52 1000 ELO Rating Level

    01:24 1200 ELO Rating Level

    01:47 The Right Way Of Thinking In Chess

    04:39 Solving puzzles VS Finding it in real game

    05:24 1600 ELO Rating Level

    08:08 1800 ELO Rating Level

    09:01 2100 ELO Rating Level

    10:09 2500 ELO Rating Level

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